Chapter 19

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As we entered the tower, I saw Loki hauling himself up the steps. I still had my gun so I pulled it out and pointed it at him. He paused and looked up at us cautiously.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now."

No one laughed or moved. Loki was quick to surrender. I felt a dizzy spell wash over me as we went to leave the room.

"Woah! Upright Y/n," Tony said, catching me. Steve must have heard because he quickly ran over to me. Steve looked me up and down and stopped at the hand covering the wound.

"I'm fine." I said, pushing off of Tony. I lost my balance and reached out, falling into Steve. He caught me and looked down to see blood seeping through my vest.

"Shit Y/n!" He said when he saw me started to lose consciousness.

"Language..." I whispered.

"We need an ambulance outside of Stark tower immediately. Agent Stark is in critical condition." He said over the coms. I felt myself being carried down and felt Steve put me on a bed.

A flashlight was shining in my eyes and someone was disinfecting my wound. I clenched my jaw and arched my back as pain swelled through my body. Stitches were quickly put in place. Once they were done, I sat up and saw the whole team laying around the ambulance. They all looked up at me with relief on their faces. I felt a lot better with pain killers running through my system.

"Shawarma?" I bashfully asked with a smile on my face.

Tony sat up and nodded aggressively.


Steve and I laid on a hotel bed together. Shield had rented us all rooms because they wanted us to be there when Loki was sent away. We all wanted to be there as well. Today, Thor would leave and take Loki with him.

Steve pulled me closer to him as we watched the news. They were going off about what had happened.

"Despite the devastation of what has been confirmed as an extraterrestrial attack, the extraordinary heroics of the group known as the Avengers-" A news reporter said before I changed the channel.

The next channel had grainy pictures of each of us playing in a collage to emotional music. I laughed softly before continuing to the next channel.

"It's really great knowing they're out there, you know. That someone's watching over us." A man said with a captain america shield on his shirt. Steve squeezed my hand. "I love you Thor!" Some lady said, running into the frame. We both started to laugh.

"I just don't feel safe with those things out there."

"It seems like there's a lot they're not telling us."

"Superheroes? In New York? Give me a break!"

"These so-called heroes have to be held responsible for the destruction done to the city. This was their fight. Where are they now?"

I rolled my eyes at the negativity. There would always be someone to complain.

A knock came from our door and Tony let himself in. I ignored him and changed the channel again.

"Captain America and The Mortelle saved my life. Wherever they are, and wherever any of them are, I would just- I would wanna say thank you." A blond girl said, her hair messed up. I looked up at Steve and smiled. He looked down and smiled lovingly back.

"The Mortelle?" Tony questioned, ruining the moment. "That's the best you could come up with?" He asked, sitting on the crappy couch in the corner.

I rolled my eyes and looked over at him. "It's french." I stated. "And, I didn't come up with it, the public did." I said, getting up from the bed. I tied a pair of converse onto my feet and got up to put the last few things in my suitcase. Steve got up and began to pack as well.

"What's it french for?" Tony pestered.

"I thought you knew French..."

Tony stayed quiet.

"It means deadly." I sighed.

"Hm... Well, I'm leaving." Tony said, standing up and raiding our fridge of a coke. I threw a pillow at him but he closed the door of the hotel before it could make contact.

"You know, they're right." Steve said after Tony left. He walked over and took my suitcase from me.

"About what?" I asked, opening the door for him.

"We just changed a lot of things." He said, walking down the hall. I pressed the elevator button and looked back at him.

"Yeah, but a lot of it was for the better." I said, holding his hand. Steve leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips. I reached up and hung my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

The elevator opened silently with all the rest of the team already inside. Steve and I didn't notice until Tony started talking.

"Ew." Tony whispered, breaking the awkward silence for them. 

Steve and I noticed them and quickly jumped apart. I grabbed my suitcase and wheeled it in. Steve and I were bright red from embarrassment. Everyone stayed silent until Nat broke it.

"I knew it. From day one." She smiled. I side eyed Steve and saw him looking at me nervously.

I suddenly started to laugh and squatted down to try and contain my laughter. Soon everyone in the elevator was laughing. The door swung open and we all went our separate ways. Steve gave our bags to an agent who would later drop them off back at home.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to his motorcycle. I sat on the back of it and held onto him as we drove behind Tony.

As we arrived, we saw Thor pulling Loki out of a black SUV. We all gathered and watched as the tesseract was transferred to Thor.

Thor took the tesseract key and had Loki grab the other side. He twisted the handle and was sucked up, back to Asgard. Everyone stood in silence for a moment before we all looked at each other happily.

I walked over to Nat and hugged her.

"So, what's next?" She asked me, leaning back.

"I don't know, we'll figure it out." I said, looking over to see Steve and Tony talking.

"Who's we?" Nat asked me, a knowing smile on her lips.

"Steve and I. We'll figure out everything together." I sighed, happy with the idea of the future.

Steve's POV

"Mr. Stark." I greeted, shaking his hand.

"Cap." He said, shaking my hand firmly.

"Take care of her." He said as he pulled away, looking over to Y/n. I looked over and saw her smiling with Nat. She looked so beautiful right now.

"I will." I promised Tony.

Tony gripped my shoulder and narrowed his eyes.

"You don't understand how much she means to me. I'm trusting you." He said, patting my back.

"I'll keep her safe." I agreed. Tony seemed satisfied and walked over to hug Y/n before leaving.

Y/n walked over to me and looked up at me softly.

"Ready to go?" I asked, pulling her closer to me.

"Yes." She sighed in relief. "I need to sleep in my own bed."

I laughed and walked her over to my bike. She tightened her grip on my waist as we began to drive. I felt her rest her head on my back and smiled.

I am convinced I am the luckiest man in the world. When I went in the ice, I had thought the exact opposite. Now, I was thankful I had made the decision to crash that plane. Otherwise, I would have never met Y/n.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have found my purpose.


End of Part 1.

Part two out soon!

Purpose (Steve Rogers + y/n)Where stories live. Discover now