Chapter 5

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I had gotten back from my mission last night.

We had carefully warmed the ice around Steve until we were able to remove him from the ship. I had made sure everyone was still working on slowly melting the ice on the flight home. Steve had been frozen for seventy years. He had waited long enough.

Phil stuck around the entire time too. He was totally fan-girling over Captain America. I thought it was super funny and had been teasing him the entire time.

Today I was in New York. We had taken Steve to a government building in Time Square to recover. Nick wanted to discuss my findings with my last two missions.

I was currently trying to find Nick in this impossibly large building. Nick wasn't very good at planning these things. I adjusted my suit jacket and kept power walking through the halls.

I was feeling pretty amazing in my dark blue blazer and dress slacks. My hair was softly curled and I had perfectly chosen enough jewelry to stand out but not look trashy. I had just enough color to stand out in the sea of black and white suits.

What can I say? When I get to dress up, I go all out.

As I rounded the corner, I saw Nick walk behind another corner. I couldn't miss that black trench coat. I hurriedly walked over and stepped in sync with him.

"Agent Stark." Nick greeted.

"Sir." I said, still walking at the quick pace he set. We both stayed silent while he led me to an unknown location. We weren't in silence too long before Nick opened the door to a quiet room.

Inside, there was an amazing view of the busy city below us. I walked over to the wall of windows and watched everyone walking around below. Nick stood next to me and crossed his arms.

"Captain Rogers has been cleared to wake up any moment now. He's set up in a theatrical room to represent a more familiar environment. He's a smart man though, I think he'll figure out what has happened sooner than we think." Nick said, his eyes never leaving the window.

"Who'd they send to be there when he woke up?" I asked, glancing over at Fury.

"An agent from communications, Agent Levine."

"From communications?" I complained, rolling my eyes, "You know they're already going to mess this up."

"You don't know that for sure. She could pull through." Nick said, giving me a side glance.

"When Phil stops fan-girling, maybe then I'll believe that," I answered, turning around.

"On the other hand," Nick started, changing the subject, "I have another mission..."

I could hear the hesitation in Nick's voice. He usually never hesitated when giving me missions. I looked over at him and saw him watching me.

"What?" I asked cautiously.

Nick took a deep breath before continuing, "Y/n, I'm putting you in charge of Captain Steve Rogers. You are to help him adjust to his new life. I have two apartments rented out in Brooklyn. Keep him out of trouble."

I studied Nick.

Was he serious?

I was babysitting now?

"Sir?" I asked, gathering my thoughts, "You want me to babysit a super soldier? Probably one of the most powerful men on earth?"

"Precisely Stark."

"Why don't you send me out with Natasha or Clint? I can help with those missions." I scoffed. "No offense, but why don't you send someone who is lower down?" I said, crossing my arms. 

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