Chapter 3

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Nat was just standing there with no one in the room.

I re-holstered my gun and glared at her.

"You missed the rendezvous..." I said, walking over to her and sitting on a desk so I could clean my injury.

"I know. Strike still did an amazing job." Nat deadpanned.

I leaned back and watched the screen.

"You're saving shield intel? Why?" I asked, leaning back onto my palms.

Suddenly, the door went flying to the floor. Steve punched the head pirate in the face and looked around the room, realizing we were in here as well.

"Well. This is awkward." Nat smirked, only taking her eyes off the screen for a moment. Steve sat up and looked at the two of us. I waved and smiled.

Steve's eyes went to the cut on my face, his eyes scrunched in worry. I used the back of my hand to wipe the fresh blood from it.

"What are you doing?" Steve questioned Nat, quickly getting up and walking over to me.

"Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into." Natasha said, trying to get out of trouble. Steve grabbed my jaw gently and positioned my head so he could see the cut better. He reached up and touched the skin next to it.

I hissed in pain and pulled away. Steve immediately looked at me apologetically before he turned to Nat with a resentful look.

"Y/n needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?" He looked over at the big screen. "You're saving SHIELD Intel. Why?"

"You and Y/n really do make a cute couple." Nat said when Steve asked the same question I had.

Steve ignored her comment before continuing, "Our mission is to rescue hostages."

"No. That's your mission, and you've done it beautifully." Nat said, going to leave. I felt the tension and jumped off the desk. Steve grabbed her arm tightly so she couldn't leave.

"You just jeopardized this whole operation." Steve seethed.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "I think that's overstating things."

"Nat," I whispered, trying to get her to stop.

Abruptly, the head pirate jumped up and pulled the pin on a bomb. I felt Steve grab me before anyone else moved. Nat shot through the window before Steve jumped through. I gripped his neck and pressed myself tighter to him and we landed. Nat jumped after us and fell to the floor as the bomb exploded. Steve rolled over and gently placed me next to the wall.

He peeked over the window to see if anyone was there before looking over at me. He went to pick me up but I interrupted his attempts.

"I'm fine." I said, pushing him off and running out of the room.

I heard Steve get up and follow after me. We needed to get out before more trouble was caused.

I ran to the jet before anyone could be drawn to the commotion. Steve ran beside me and I heard Nat behind Him. We ran in and sat as the jet took off.

I collapsed to the floor and laughed.

I sighed and looked up to see Steve standing over me.

"That was fun!" I sighed before laughing again.

Steve sat me up and looked at the cut again.

"What happened?" He calmly demanded, motioning for a medic. I sighed as the medic made me sit in a chair and began to prepare to give me stitches.

"It was probably just the glass from the window." I said, squeezing his hand as the medic started.

"No bullshit, Y/n." Steve seriously demanded again.

"Language..." I whispered, focusing on his hand in mine and not the pain.

"What happened?" Steve asked, gently this time.

I stayed quiet for a moment before beginning to tell him the story.

"It isn't really that bad..." I finished telling him as the medic finished the last stitch. I thanked her and looked over to Steve. He was tense and completely focused on me.

"Y/n... Look at how close it is to your eye..." He breathlessly said, cupping my face in his hands. He ran his thumbs over my eyelashes before I closed my eyes and leaned into his palms.

"Sorry." I whispered, eyes still closed.

"Don't apologize. it's not your fault, it's mine."

I opened my eyes in dismay and grabbed Steve's hands. I searched his face and was horrified to find guilt written all over it.

"What?" I breathed in disbelief.

"I should have been there." Steve answered, looking down at his hands in my lap.

"Steve. That was OUR mission. We both know the risks. You can't blame yourself every time I get hurt." I explained, lifting his face to mine. Steve looked over my face one more time before taking a deep breath and leaning into my hand. I smiled reassuringly and leaned into his lips for a moment. We pulled away and leaned back into our seats. It was silent for a moment.

We both appreciated times of silence. It was nice to not say anything and just enjoy where we were. I closed my eyes and felt Steve grab my hand. I looked over and smiled softly.

"Y/n..." Steve broke the silence.


"We need to talk to Nick. What happened with Nat could get someone seriously injured one day." I looked over to Steve and saw the worried look he was giving me. His eyebrows were scrunched so that his eyelashes brushed against them.

"I agree. Let's go talk with him as soon as we get back." I said, squeezing his hand to let him know he wasn't alone in the decision. Steve looked over slowly and pressed his lips together in a thankful smile. 


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