Dragons Kiss

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Chapter One~ Dragons Kiss


Vissera stood staring out of her bedroom window. The sun was reflecting on the surrounding waters, and the town in the distance seemed to bustle with life.

She'd lived here her whole life and never once had she been allowed to venture as far as the gate at the bottom of the hill where her house sat.

She looked down at the parchment in her hand, faded and browned as time scratched against it.

Vissera Helaena Targaryen.

7th day of the 9th moon of 130 AC


Today was the Seventh day, Of the ninth moon, the year was One hundred and forty eight.

She was eight and ten today.

Rhaella Alyssa Targaryen, Aemond Aerys Targaryen.

They were her parents.

They were dead.

Finan and Clarissa had told her all about them, her older siblings recalled memories from their childhood whenever she asked.

But she had none of her own.

From the picture that had been painted to her she could tell in her heart that she loved them very much. And that they would have loved her too.

That's why they sent her away, because they loved her.

She was dragged from her thoughts when she heard her sister calling her.

"Vissera!" Elaena shouted. "Vissera!"

"What?!" Vissera snapped when Elaena entered the room.

"Aegon says you took his ball." Elaena said, arms folded. Her oldest son Aegon leaned round his mothers skirts smirking at his aunt.

Vissera's room had been on the bottom floor, with glass doors that lead out into the gardens. Her sisters son, made a habit out of annoying her.

"He kept throwing it through the doors." Vissera sighed, falling back onto her blue satin sheets. "If he wants it back he can stop throwing it."

"He's nine." Elaena replied.

"He's not normal." Vissera shot back.

"Says you!" The little boy shot back. "I've seen those marks on your back, they're the least normal thing around here." He said standing infront of his mother, bold to face his aunt who felt like throttling him,

"Gods I ought to feed you to Axus!" Vissera seethed, pointing a furious look at her nephew. Aegon let out a shriek and ran down the hall calling for his father.

"Close the door on your way out." Vissera side, lying back down, turning onto her side and flicking through a book of butterflies her brother had gifted her this morning.
She rolled her eyes when she heard her sister's footsteps drawing closer to the bed.

"Vissera." Elaena muttered, sighing when her sister didn't face her. "You're eighteen today, it's time you start acting like a lady." The eldest Targaryen said. "All this will not wash when we return to Kingslanding." She said, waving her hand to her sisters room.

Vissera was interested in things that many girls her age at the time would not be.
She had various animal skulls that she had studied on her desk, with notes on the differences between beasts.
On the wall were mounted bodies of exotic insects, and multiple books on sorcery stacked on shelves around the room, Plants and different crystals accompanying them.
Her walls were painted deep a deep purple and the curtains around her poster bed were deep blue, various coloured pillows thrown across the top of the bed.

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