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130 AC

The day was warm, the sun was midway through its day in the sky and the air was cool enough to keep a sweat from forming.

Braavos was different than westeros, the clothes and the food, even the music was different so were the people.
Clarissa Tarbeck had been here for six moons now, and was yet to familiarize herself with the foreign country.

The auburn haired lady sat in the Gardens, sheets of purple fabric designed loosely around her body.
A bump had began to grow against her stomach, and she sprayed a hand across it as she sat on a garden lounger.

Elaena sat happily making chains from the flowers that grew by one of the trees, her dragon Silvermyst lay content next to her.
Viserys sat next to her, back leant against the trunk and face covered by the shade of the tree above him. He was reading one of Elaena's books, enjoying the story as his purple eyes washed over the words.

Vaegon was running between the kitchen and the garden with plates of meat, placing chunks of beef and pork in front of his purple beast, and instructed her to cook them. Once she did so, the two of them shared the meal with the young prince smiling happily as they did.

Aegor was stumbling around on the grass, swapping from crawling and standing on shaky legs, he laughed when he heard Clarissa's word of encouragement. And his green Dragon, Falkore watched intently as his bonded experienced one of his first milestones.

Looking after four children, with one of her own on the way had been no easy task. But she had done so out of loyalty and respect for the Princess. She loved them as she imagined she would love her own children.
Clarissa made all of their clothes and her years in practice of needle work were evident in the flawless gowns and tunics she fabricated.

Their silver hair and purple eyes had been a dead giveaway of their heritage, and each time a visitor came to the house the Targaryen children were hidden in one of the caves beneath the hill, with their dragons.

They were a secret meant to remain hidden until they came of age, and they were all over a decade away from that.

So when the Tarbeck woman saw a beast fly across the sky and in the direction of her home, she feared her sworn secret had been discovered.

Neither Rhaella or Aemond Targaryen knew where Finan and Clarissa had taken their children, it was a wonder in the first place why they had allowed it, but a mothers wish for her children's safety outweighs anything in the world.

"Finan!" Clarissa Tarbeck yelled, before grabbing Aegor from the ground and pulling him onto her hip. "Children inside!" She shouted. "Finan!" She yelled out to her husband.

The boatman appeared then, halting when he saw the beast circling their home. "Get inside!" He shouted, drawing his sword, Silverfyre from his belt. "Clarissa, get them inside!"

His wife obeyed and ushered the little royals inside, toward the staircase that was hidden behind a tapestry. "Go, go Now!" She instructed, handing Aegor over to Viserys.

She waited until their silver heads disappeared as they descended the staircase before reaching for her bow and running back outside to her husband.

Of course weapons had no power against dragon fire, but they had swore an oath and neither of them planned on breaking it.

Whilst Finan clung onto his sword, he thought then of the promise he made and he would die before he let anything happen to them.

The beast was blue, a magnificent shade that matched the colour of the lagoons below in the summer shine. It's crest was copper, matching the lining of scaled across her spine.

When Clarissa and Finan both saw the rider they shared a look of confusion.

He looked like Prince Aemond, his hair shorter and messier, and he didn't wear an eye patch.
They must have been a relation, the resemblance was uncanny.

Their weapons were still raised when the mystery climbed down from his beast.

"Who are you?!" Finan shouted over, the point of his sword shining in the light.

"Not quite the welcome I was expecting." The man sighed. "I take it you don't know who I am?"

Finan kept his stare stern, but he shook her head. "No we don't."

"That's what I get I suppose for being sent to live in bloody Old town." He replied, hanging his head before sending them a smirk.

"You're Daeron Targaryen?" Clarissa said, a moment of realization passing through her features, she had met him once before. But his hood had remained over his head the last time they met.

"We aren't as daft as we look!" Daeron smiled.

"What do ye want ere'?" Finan said, sword lowered only slightly.

"Well I can see you've got your hands full." The Prince said with a pointed look.

Finan and Clarissa both turned their heads and the Targaryen children stood peering round the building. They hid themselves quickly when they noticed their guardians stare.

"No hello for your uncle?" Daeron called over, when he received no answer he shook his head. "Well what can I say, they don't know me do they?" Clarissa and Finan didn't respond. "I'm not sure why my sister trusts you two with them, but here we are."

"And why are you here?" Clarissa questioned. "Has something happened to them, Rhaella and Aemond?"

At the mention of their names Vaegon called out. "Mummy and Daddy?"

"Mama!" Aegor shouted, clapping his hands.

Elaena looked up at Viserys and the boy placed a hand on her shoulder.

"As far as I'm aware no." Daeron answered. "But i've been sent with a royal package."

Finans brow furrowed. "What?"

"Boy." Daeron called out. "Come down." He muttered something in valyrian and his Dragon lowered her wing.

A boy, perhaps a few years older than Viserys climbed down from the best with his back turned.

"Who's he?" Elaena said, walking toward the boy.

"I'm not too sure." Daeron shrugged. "But that," He said when the young boy faced them. "This is your sister."

A little bundle secured to the child, head full of silver.

"She had the babe?" Clarissa said heading toward the little baby and helping the boy out of the security. "By gods she is tiny." She said when she pulled the babe into her arms.

"She's a bonnie thing." Finan added, looking down at the baby.

"She has fathers eyes." Elaena said when Clarissa knelt down. "What's her name?"

"Vissera." The young boy answered.

"And what's yours?" Elaena asked, turning to him.

"Gabriel." He muttered.

Daeron laughed. "She's also got a dragon flying about here, he tails off but never too far."

Then came a shriek through the air, and a cloud of blue passed over their heads, and landed on the path leading to the house.

"That's Axus." Vaegon shouted. "Aerys!"

"Afraid not little one." Daeron said hanging his head as the unknown memory of the little boy came to mind.

Theme he looked to Vissera.

"He's hers now."


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