Two Turns Of The Moon

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Chapter Thirty-Three~ Two Turns Of
The Moon


Vissera hadn't left her room in four Days.

Food was brought to her by the servants, Eggs and toast for breakfast instead of the fruits she used to have at home.
For lunch it was usually soup with buttered bread on the side or sometimes some sort of stew but none of them had the flavors of home.

Dinner was the best she supposed, she had meats roasted vegetables and potatoes some gravy too, but they weren't marinated or glazed in any herbs or honey like Clarrisa used to cook.

The desert was her favorite, Jam Tarts were sweet anywhere in the world at least the North got that right.

Rayla would come in each morning with a tray of tea she hold stolen from the maid on her way up, and eat breakfast, they would talk over breakfast as they used to back home, but by lunch time it became clear Vissera was too busy with the never ending battle of thoughts to have a proper conversation.

Rayla didn't mind, she was just happy to be of some company to her friend, so some nights, even though she knew she would get any conversation back from the princess, she would come up to her bedroom and read out loud from one of Vissera's fairy tales, or tell her six peculiarities she had seen that day.

And Vissera would listen, she would drift off into a slumber whilst Rayla read to her and let her dreams try and take her away from the thoughts she faced whilst awake.

She wasn't a cliche, it wasn't the idea of Brandon with Wylla Fenn that had her brain in constant turmoil.

She didn't so much care about that fact that Brandon was bedding another woman, it had just caught her by surprise.

And Wylla fenn too, it was disgusting really, she was his cousins wife, she had a son to her husband too.

But suppose Vissera was the other woman, she had come from a land far away and broke up an entire life. Maybe she was wrong for that, but it wasn't her fault.
And now she was here, and as much as she disliked Brandon she wasn't happy with him disrespecting her name by bedding another woman.

Then there was the thoughts of her mother and father as she continued to read the pages of The Princess's diary.

She'd gotten as far as the beginning of her mothers dreams, and the detailing in the nightmares had her scared to close her eyes.

Today I was woke from a nightmare by Aemond. They say we forget our dreams as soon as the sun kisses our eyes to make us forget the embraces of the moon.

But How can I forget this?

I have seen it, the downfall of my family and the bloodshed that is soon to come.

I have heard my sisters haunted scream and saw my husband plummet from the sky. I have seen betrayals and wars twist around on a spindle of blood And I have seen fire sing whilst Dragons Danced.

We face the end closer than we do the beginning and it comes disguised as a god my mother forces me to pray to before I eat.

The consequences of childhood scores will cost me the thing I hold most dear to my heart, and it seems nobody can change that fate.
Because each night when i close my eyes I see every possible way each child of mine could die.

I dare not say anything because I know they will think me mad.
Another Targaryen they can begin dosing up on Poppy because warnings from my true Gods are catching up with the snakes that feast on my family from within.

They will tell my mother I am mad, and she will tell her father and they will decide that a mothers plea for her child's life is not the best look for their green heirs. So I will be turned into what Helaena has, a mad princess nobody pays attention to because my tongue speaks truths their ears are not prepared to hear.

So I will plot in silence, and I will stop at nothing to ensure the survival of my babes.

Even if it kills me.

And it did kill her.

Rhaella Targaryen died the unsung Villain and Hero of the war with nobody ever knowing how much she was pulling in the strings behind the scenes.

Vissera thought how terrible it must have been, to know the future doom of yourself and your family and not be able to change it unless taking drastic measures.

And her mother managed to save four of her children, her first was stolen by her dreams.

Dreams were supposed to be an escape, but for Rhaella they were a curse and vissera realized how difficult it was to never be able to find safety from a war none of them really wanted in the first place. Even in sleep the price of her husbands actions haunted her.

She wasn't naive to it like Elaena, Vissera knew that it had been her father that had drawn first blood, and as a result a son for a son was written in the history books.

I dread the day fate comes for my babies, to take my little treasures away and store them in a box of magic. Well they're mine and no god will dare to take them from me, for the heavens will fall as soon as one of my stars is stolen from the sky.

And chaos did follow when Aerys died. Rhaella made it her life's purpose to destroy everything that had taken her first love away.

Finan had told them what happened as they grew older, painted Rhaella to be the sword of justice and she knew then that her mother was the strongest woman in the world.

But was Rhaella fair?

Maybe she'd never know.

She after all hadn't been exposed to the brutality of both her mother and father, whispers and accusations of the word traitors were thrown whenever they mentioned.

But nobody knew the truth.

And that was they were as sinister as the devils in the hells they were sworn against when it came to their family.

Prince Aemond burned entire villages with no remorse once he heard Rhaella had been taken captive in the keep when he was away as prince regent.
Rhaella had sent a queen to her death when she prophesied that She could not be on the throne if she wanted her children to survive.

And they both were murdered.

Aemond died at the hands of the prince consort Daemon Targaryen, his uncle.

And Rhaella was poisoned with her brother and King at the hands of a man sworn to their mother.

Funny how it worked out.

And even funnier now, because it wasn't all of this that was what stuck to Vissera's mind like a parasite.

It was the humorous fact that the Princess,
had not bled for two turns of the moon.


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