Memory Chamber

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Chapter Thirteen~ Memory Chamber


He knew it was cruel.

But he couldn't find it within himself to care.

She had insulted him in a way that cut deeper than any other insult could have. And it drew more blood because it had been her.

Tommorow he was supposed to wed her, and then in a week he would have to take her north and be wed to her there.

She didn't want it.

And neither did he.

But there was no changing it.

The walk back to his chambers was silent.

Of course he was on his own, but normally the company of his thoughts would fill his own ears, this time he chose to ignore them.

The look on her face had stained him, the way her eyes sank into sadness and her brow furrowed in confusion when he had said that to her.
Then the twist in her gut which reflected in her purple eyes when realization dawned on her.


He wanted her to hurt.

Brandon wanted every ounce of her hatred so that this whole ideal would come to an end. He would rather the dragon witch curse him into hell than curse him to be mesmerized by the very thought of her.

"Where have you been?" He heard his sisters voice from somewhere in the shadows of the hall to their quarters. "Father was ready to send a party out to find you, convinced himself you'd done a runner the night before your wedding." He could hear her smirk. "Your mother convinced him not to."

"I'm starting to wish I had done a runner." He replied, waiting for Alys to show herself. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing really, surprisingly there isn't much to do around these parts, one of your wife's brothers offered to show us his Dragon, but your mother said it would be improper." Raya sighed, finally revealing herself hand her black hair, which blended with the shadows she had hid in.

"She's not my wife." Brandon snapped. "And stay away from those princes, Targaryens have terrible reputations with women."

"No more than you lot do!" Alys shot back. "It's only whispered about more when concerning them due to their popularity among the population."

"You don't half chat a load of shit." Brandon scoffed. "Targaryen Princes are no good, they will seduce you put a bastard in you then leave you explaining white hair and purple eyes to your dull husband."

"You speak of your soon to be brothers." Alys smirked. "If you're not careful they may hear you and take offense, and I hear their parents were rather cruel they could take after them."

"Then they would end up dead like them too." Brandon but back.

"Bold of you to say." Alys smirked. "I can't recall a time in history a stark really beat a Targaryen."

"First for everything." Brandon sighed, bored of his sisters game.

"Well you're the first stark to marry one of them." She smiled. "A dragon living in the north, what a sight."

"It'll be out of sight." Brandon said, opening his door. "In a cave somewhere."

He closed the door behind him, shutting the truth away along with his sister.

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