Crimson Kiss

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Chapter Forty-Four- Crimson Kiss


"Vissera is pregnant."

Viserys paused in the doorway to the Salon.

Elaena was sat leisurely on the day bed, reading from a letter, Whilst Prince Aemon sat on at the table, reading a history of Dragons.

The Prince paused for a moment, a thousand words coming to mind to say to his wife but none of them seeming right.

"I wasn't aware Vissera and the Stark boy were even friends, never mind,"

"We both know there are more cards on the table than love where marriage is concerned." Elaena interrupted, placing the letter on the seat beside her.

Her skirts were bloody red, with gold accents whispered into the fabric, her sleeves flayed in sheer fabrics on the top of her arm and her hair flew wildly behind her.
Around her neck was a choking string of jewels, green red and amber.

It had become apparent since arriving back in the capitol, that Princess Elaena had missed luxury more than she cared to admit.

There wasn't a day she dressed in anything but her best, perhaps making up for all the years she spent in hiding.

Because she had been hiding.

The people of the court fell shamelessly to their knees around her, a beauty so rare and had been meant to of been always appreciated had just been gifted back to them to admire. All those years spent away she had become like gold to a starving man's eyes.

She was still Elaena, caring, Kind, bold Elaena. The perfect Princess.

But it would be wrong to shy away from the gift her mother and father had given her.

As ridiculous and selfish as it sounded she needed the attention, she wasn't getting any from her husband and it felt good to be appreciated there wasn't anything wrong with that.

So every morning she would wear the most lavish gown her new seamstress presented to her, wear ridiculous amounts of jewelry just to ensure something was always shining under the light of the sun and she would feign complete ignorance to the attention just to receive more.

And it felt good.

What didn't feel good, was knowing that there was now Three problems growing in every corner of the country.

"Then that makes three new babes from four recent marriages, the crown has never been so fruitful." Viserys sighed, heading over to the side table and pouring himself a cup of wine. "Aegor as a father, soon enough Vaegon will follow."

"Is that what the hand says." Elaena frowned. "Tell me is that what he's saying to your brother, is he turning this gift of life into some sort of bid for war against my family because if he is,

"Your family is my family." Viserys turned to her. "My brother is your family, your king." He took a sip. "If you remain so steadfast on separating yourself from them, then nothing good will come from it."

Elaena scoffed and looked to Aemon who stared hard down at the table, trying to hide the fact he knew they were arguing now. She waited for him to look up, after the silence became to hard to ignore then she looked pointedly at the door.

"Im supposed to be playing in the garden with Daeron." The boy sighed, though he was more than happy to go and find his new favorite cousin.

"There is a blatant line between me and them, you yourself will not even converse with us both at the same time, rarely ever on the same night."

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