A Targaryen Song

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Chapter Seventeen ~ A Targaryen


Vissera found little peace in life.

Growing up with six siblings, and later two nephews, had been the main cause for sleepless nights and tired eyes.

So on the rare occasion, on the days where the moon took its true form and is not hidden in reflection of the planets star, she snuck through her patio doors and took flight on her midnight Dragon, high up in the nights sky, sure to remain hidden from any onlookers below.

They would not fly too far, just across the shoreline, to a heap of cliffs beneath a northern star that she wished upon when she was young.

She would pack blankets and find warmth in the fire Axus would make with branches she lay for him, as she slept peacefully beneath his wing.

Tonight could be the last chance she got to do that.

So she left her new husband and wondered through the place she should have called home.

Passing servants as they bowed and ignoring nobles who whispered about her Riding wear.

She met her beloved where her feet had first touched the kingdom of her family, a stone beach shore where the waves crashed loudly against the stone that upheld the great city, they sounded like the rains wailing through the sky, and she felt her self missing that screaming temper crashing against her windows at the stone house.

The Dragons were as the should be, free.

She saw Nuri and Silvermist circling the iris of the sun in the near distance, the golden rays of light bouncing off their purple and white scales.

Falkore was plunge diving straight into the waters below, catching various fish and adding them to an overly large pile on the shore.

Axus landed before her then, returning from his own hunting with his litter mate.

He was a beautiful being, his scales shone like blue stars, and his heart was her own.

She knew he would follow north for her, but she doubted her heart when it told her he would stay.

Dragons were fire.

And the North was Ice.

She raised her hand to run across his skin, and she felt him nuzzle closer, a low grumble coming from his throat.

"Care for a ride?" Vissera said to him, laughing lightly when he bent his legs and lowered his wing for her.

They hadn't the resources in Braavos to make saddles, they had enough leather to make reigns, but the Dragons didn't seem to appreciate them much.

So they each had to learn to ride bareback.

When they were both smaller and lighter, it was easier.

But they both grew as they would with time, and mounting the great beast proved a lot more difficult than it did when she was a girl.

He lowered his wing so that she slither up, in a very unflattering manner, to grab the nearest horn on the right, then she would pull herself up to the next and so on until she rested on his back.

Then all that was left trust between Dragon and Rider.

His wings began to beat in tune to the waves against the cliffs, and his heavy feet stepped loudly across the stones of the shoreline till he was lifting them both with a low growl, into the cool air beneath the late afternoon sun.

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