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M (Even more nsfw than usual)

Chapter Fifty-One~ Primal


Three moons had passed since Vissera's accident, she was set to have the babe within two more.

To say she'd known discomfort like this would've been the greatest lie known to mankind.
Her stomach had grown to the point even the dresses Clarrisa had given her for this purpose had to be tailored to fit.

She spent as mush time as she could outside, by the weirwood tree, the gardens surrounding were quite beautiful and after a while the cold became second nature, and she would have to be forced inside by one of her ladies.

"I'm not cold Celia." Vissera smiled as she stared up at the red leaves, twisting along branches for what seemed to go on for miles.

"Princess, you shouldn't spend so much time out here, even if you are comfortable it is not advised for a woman carrying a baby to spend so much time out here ." Celia replied.

It was easy to pick out Vissera's ladies from the population of Winterfell. After the girls were brought into her service the Princess sent for dresses from the royal seamstress. Not that they didn't already have fancy clothes, but Vissera always found that the Northern houses dressed very practical in opposed to fashionable.

And that wasn't much fun.

The three girls received a dress each from the capital, and fabrics for the seamstress to make more.

"But don't you want to hear about the proposal I was made yesterday?" Vissera hummed, knowing the girl would jump to hear the news.
She wasn't being mean either, she was just distracting her lady with something she was going to tell her inside instead.

"A moment longer, Rayla will not be happy with you Princess." Celia sighed, making sure Vissera's cloak was wrapped tightly around her.

"Rayla is not my mother, and let me deal with her." Vissera smiled. "You should be more concerned with the fact that Lady Starks nephew is coming to her birthday tomorrow, and he's been asking about you!"

Celia went beet red in the face. "Bash Stark?!" She grinned. "You're sure."

"The very same." Vissera nodded, hooking her arm under her friends.

It had not been easy, finding three girls husbands. Of course there were men that took interest in them but Vissera was not happy to cart them off to whoever asked.
Her tactic was to watch the girls, listen to them. Who caught their attention and who didn't. And then she would converse with the men, or get Brandon to on her behalf.
And if a match was made then she would have them court, before anything was truly set in stone, she made sure there were beneficiaries for the families too, because it was the lords that had to agree.

"I spoke with him last time he was here, he was actually looking to ask for a dance, but you had taken to bed before he got the chance." Vissera told her.

"I remember, it was Rickon Starks birthday, I was enticed into a drinking game with his brother and I lost quite evidently." She laughed.

"Well don't let Bart drag you into his games this time." Vissera warned, the bite on her cheeks from the rain beginning to fall finally guiding her back inside.

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