A lemon tree, an animal beam and a Red door

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Chapter Forty-Six~A lemon tree,
an Animal beam and a red door


Vissera had not expected such extravagances from her mother in law.

Lady Stark had done up the entire banquet hall for a party to announce the news.

Music played happy tunes, and people of winterfell danced together.

Vissera watched as each of her new ladies spoke with suitors that Lyanna had helped approve, Vissera had noticed the problem the north seemed to have, and she would have to voice it sooner or later because it had become her personal responsibility to find her ladies husbands.

Which is what the problem had been, none of the women were wed, which wasn't so deep an issue really but it wasn't normal either.

Especially considering that only three of Lord Cregans daughters were married and only two of his sons in the same boat.

Brandon and Vissera sat at the head of the top table, Whilst people walked up the set up stairs to congratulate them.

It had been Rickon's responsibility to announce the news considering Lord Cregan was out.

"Congratulations on this joyous news Princess Vissera, and Lord Brandon heavens pray it be the first of many." Lady Mormont smiled.

"Thank you." Vissera smiled.

She was happy, she supposed. But going as far as to say she was happy enough to start planning more fruitful performances from her marital bed might have been an overstatement.

For a good hour lords and ladies came to give their congratulations, both Brandon and Vissera taking turns to converse with them.

The music strum softly in the background, or perhaps it was loud. They were too caught up in the sounds of each other.

Brandon listened whilst she spoke with so much passion about the land she was raised in. He thought her strange at first, for she had not even seen Braavos to the full extent having been a hidden treasure. But with the words she used to describe their home in the free city, it looked to anyone that she was telling him the secret of the heavens from the way he looked at her.

"The lemon tree grew right outside my room, and they made the most delicious lemon cake you ever tasted, Clarissa would drizzle honey over the top and in all truths I honestly believe it is what the gods eat it was that good." She laughed.

"I've never had lemon cake." Brandon thought.

"I'll make it for you." She said to him. "Oh and there was that beam that Aro and Gabriel made from wood they bought at the market. It was a gift for Finan and Clarissa's anniversary, they carved each of our favorite animals." She smiled at the memory.

"And what animals were they." Brandon asked her. If this was anyone else he wouldn't of been interested, but because it was her he was. He could listen for hours to the sound of her voice. Even if she was just babbling.

She wore another one of her beautiful dresses, light blue with an empire waist that split into a light whisper of gold, Trumpet sleeves with pearly kisses to match the string of pearls around her neck, Her mothers. And her fathers ring on her thumb.

She looked in thought for a moment. "A stag, A bear four Dragons, a fox and three Seahorses."

Brandon laughed. "Seahorses?"

"Yes, Aro and Rayla used to fascinate over them when we would sneak off down to the sea, they lived around the coral." Vissera grinned. "You've never seen one?"

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