Two Brains, One Heart

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Chapter Nineteen ~
Two Brains, One Heart


After the days events the meal might have been awkward.

But it was the opposite, they had naturally fallen into the seats they would have in their stone house.

Elaena at the top of the table with discussing poetry with Gabriel who was to her left as she distanced herself from the conversation her husband was having with Aro to her right.
Aegor sat beside the poetry conversation instead conversing with Vissera who sat opposite him and Vaegon on his left.
Rayla from beside the Princess added on here and there to the conversation about Dragons, whilst her parents sat on the end next to her.

It was like they were back home, eating a meal they had all helped to cook as the waves crashed soundly against their cliffs and through the patio doors which gave them a perfect view of the lemon tree they had once played around when they were young.

"Where are your wives?" Vissera questioned her older brothers after swallowing a spoon of chicken soup.

Aegor scoffed. "My beautiful Dayne wife is to rerun to me tomorrow, hopefully then she will finally converse with me." He smiled a toothy grin.

"Why won't she talk to you?" Gabriel frowned.

"Oh Gods, Aegor has finally found a girl who can resist his charm." Rayla grinned.

"After years chasing you Rayla, I thought I had my fair share of beautiful creatures who could resist me." Aegor smirked.

"Watch it." Aro warned, a small smile present on his lips.

"Eliza wishes for me to return to Dorne with her." Vaegon sighed.

"And will you go?" Elaena questioned, taking a spoonful of veg from her plate.

"The Dornish don't like us." Vaegon replied. "I know they only agreed to my marrying her because I was on technicality the rightful king of Westeros, and if I decided to take it then it would have been a dornish prince on the throne."
He sighed. "But now I've given up that claim, I imagine they are plotting my death as we speak."

"You should stay here then, If that be the case." Vissera said to her brother. "I do not have that choice."

"Why is that?" Rayla frowned, "Why must the wife take home beneath the husbands house, she is a princess too, surely she should not be locked away up north in the terrible cold."

"It's the way it always has been." Viserys shrugged.

"Don't damn it too soon." Aro smirked. "You're going to be living there too."

Rayla dropped her utensils then, the idea of cutting into her pork far less exciting that the idea of going north. "Is he serious Father?"

Finan frowned at his son, the news was supposed to be said by himself or his wife. "I, I suppose so." He coughed as his wine ran dry down his throat.

"I couldn't exactly send Vissera alone, and you've been begging me since the moment you found out she was going." Clarrisa smiled.

"If you want to stay here you can." Vissera said, looking to her friend.

But Rayla almost leapt from her chair, excitement swirling around her eyes. "Oh no, Of course I want to come, I'll need something to wear though I hear it's awfully cold."

They all laughed at her comment, and the joyous mood of family warmed Vissera's heart. But it shattered it just the same knowing that this would be the last time for a long time.

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