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Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Dancing


Vissera was jolted awake the minute Rayla burst through her door.

The girl was wearing a deep purple dress with her auburn hair in curls and pinned in ways that let her hair from her face but still loose enough that it whistled around her head.

"Why are you still sleeping?!" Rayla gasped, closing the door behind her. "Your room is gorgeous, you should see mine it's lovely." She smiled. "I've a desk to write on and everything."

Rayla liked to write. Stories, poems even astrology.

"You had a desk back home, and at the keep." Vissera laughed.

"I know, I just didn't expect one here." The red head smiled. "You should be up and ready, there's a feast about to begin in honor of you!"

"Of my marriage to Brandon Stark you mean." Vissera sighed. "How long have I been asleep?" She frowned when she saw it was dark outside.

"Well it's just past the fifth hour of the afternoon." Rayla replied. "It gets dark here awfully fast."

"I don't think I've ever managed to sleep that long without being disturbed." Vissera said.

"Well here I am, you need to get dressed." Rayla laughed. "The dinner will be starting soon, you should wear one of your new dresses."

"I wasn't going to bring too much attention to myself." Vissera stood from her bed and went to her trunk of dresses. "Perhaps this one?" She's picked out a deep blue dress, it was pretty but not spectacular, one of the more simple designs Queen Daenaera had commissioned.

"Don't be daft." Rayla scoffed, moving beside her bestest friend. "It's your first night here, let them know who you are!" She laughed, rummaging through the chest. "A princess!"

Then the red head pulled out a turquoise dress, it had panned sleeves an empire waiting and golden accents trailing down the fabric to the round cut train, Golden topaz was stitched in various places on the dress.

Vissera thought it was beautiful, and then she realized that as the daughter of a Targaryen Prince and Princess who were deemed traitors by the Starks there was no hiding away from their judging eyes, so why try?

They would be watching her either way, she may as well look good whilst they do.

"Fine, help me with my hair will you?" The Princess smiled.

After they were finished Vissera stood with her hair in a plaited updo with whispy stray waves framing her face, she had pearls pinned into her hair, and wore pair of her mothers golden earrings that were like a teardrop of flowers centered with topaz and pearls, and her Dragon pendant.
On her thumb was one of her fathers ring as well as his bands on her wrist.

She looked the epitome of beauty.

And when everyone stared straight at her as soon as the hall doors opened she had to hide the smirk that dared press onto her lips.

The room was decorated with garlands of evergreens strung up across the ceiling and running across the various stretched tables.
There was music playing whilst the bustling sound of people

She kept her eyes forward, heading straight for the head table.

Lord Cregan sat with his all ten of his children at the table too.
Lady Lynara sat to his left and his youngest daughter Lyanna to his right.

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