Pit Of Snakes

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Chapter Six~ Pit Of Snakes


Vissera could feel the eyes on her.

They were like molten gold against her skin, burning her into a submission she would forever defy.

The King passed greeting to each of them, the hand addressing each one of them with an insult or a judgment.

Vissera wasn't listening.

They stood out like sore thumbs.

Their style of dress was completely different to everyone else's, they looked foreign and they felt foreign too. They were outsiders just like their ancestors had been centuries ago.

Her eyes scanned the room.

Most houses were recognizable.

The symbols of each house crest was visible between groups. Lannisters, Tyrells, a few Baratheons, even fewer Hightowers.

But there was certainly a number from house Stark.

Wolves were bedded into tunics and leather, she even noticed how majority of their hilts carried the head of a wolf. They all had dark hair, some had dark eyes few had light. And they were all very pale, paler than she was. They didn't carry much colour in their cheeks, it seemed as though the sun had shunned them all completely, and the cold had accompanied them from their homeland.

Solemn and stern were their stark faces, miserable and gloomy, like rain clouds ready to pour down a billion tears on the earth below.

Vissera felt the distaste grow even more in her stomach, they all looked dead.

She didn't want to marry a dead man, and she wondered what dead man it was she was promised to.

She was snapped back to reality when she heard her name called, and she bowed deeply as taught when she saw it was her cousin the king.

"Cousin, Vissera, I don't believe we have ever met, you being born quite sometime after it was I saw your siblings." Aegon smiled.

"Your grace." Her voice was sultry and laced with a deafening poison, and she saw the eyes of many men in the room draw a focus onto her. "Yes, I am not familiar with any faces in your court, but what an honor and pleasure of mine to finally get to met you, your brother speaks very highly of you." She said, and Aegon smiled happily in return.

"Princess Vissera." Said the hand then, drawing her attention to him. "How old are you now child."

"Eighteen My lord hand, quite the opposite to what a child is perceived as in these parts." Vissera smiled.

"Yes, much past marrying age for a woman of your status." Lord Rowan replied. "Princess, the faith of the seven demands an assessment on your person, in respect to the maiden."

It was a ploy to embarrass her. She knew that.

To question a princess' virtue under the eyes and ears of an entire court gathering was kissing the seams of treason.
It was crude and vulgar to voice such things among so many.

"My Lord hand I beg your pardon." Elaena glared. "Viserys." She said warning to her husband, who in turn looked just as lost as Vissera's brothers. "Do something."

"My King, Brother, I believe these matters best discussed privately, among family." Viserys said to Aegon, hoping that his brother still remembered their many lessons of Valyrian on Dragonstone.

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