Two Marriages

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Chapter Thirty~ Two Marriages


Prince Vaegon Targaryen and his new wife the Princess Eliza Martell may well have been two of the best matched people in the kingdom.

In everything but love.

They both enjoyed swordsmanship, Astrology and excelled in literature.

They dined together, walked with one another most mornings and spent their nights playing chess.

Then when the sun had set they would finish most days teaching one another tricks in the marital bed they had learned in their exotic lands.

But they did not love each other, course that could grow but they didn't have much interest in waiting around for it.

"So what do you want, a separate marriage?" Vaegon frowned as he sat up against the head board, chest bared and below his wait covered by flimsy sheets.

Dorne was a beautiful kingdom, the heat cooked all through the night and even now whilst the rain fell outside the open Archways it was still hot.

Eliza was a Goddess of a woman, hair king and black and skin kisses like the sun that would beam down for majority of the day in the Kingdom she was born to.

"I wouldn't call it a separate marriage, I enjoy your company and you enjoy mind, or so it seems." She looked pointedly to his groin area beneath the sheets. "We just don't tie ourselves down to one another."

"But it seems pointless, I mean they will be expecting children soon and as foolish as it sounds I don't wish to be married to someone who doesn't have our children." Vaegon replied.

"Vaegon my Dragon riding dream, if you wish for a child you only need say, I would not disrespect you by having another man give me a seed, same way I do not expect you to give another woman yours." Eliza answered, sitting on her dresser stool and combing out her hair.
"But do you not think I see how you look at the queen."

Vaegon stared at her through the mirror, and then he looked away from her eyes. "What a silly thing to say."

"Is that so?" Eliza smirked, standing up and stalking back toward their bed. She crawled over to him and leant up on his chest. "So you don't look at her like this every time she walks past." She looked up at him with a boyish expression full of wonder and longing.
"And stutter like this whenever she speaks to you, oh oh y-yes your Grace." She mocked his voice. "Or last time I believed you said, Your Gracious." She laughed.

Vaegon hid his smile and shook his head, rolling them over and tickling her stomach to which she laughed out loudly at.

Vaegon and Aegor had been ordered to return on Dragon back every fortnight to report on life in Dorne.

Really it was so the Hand of the king could be reported to by the guards he had personally assigned to The two Targaryen Princes in order to spy from Kingslanding.

"You're ridiculous." He sighed, rolling onto his back and staring up at the golden Canopy.

"It's alright to long for something you cannot have." Eliza stated resting her head on his side. "But you must not speak of it Vaegon, not unless she too is prepared to commit the greatest of treasons."

"It will never be." Vaegon shrugged. "So there is no point speaking of it at all."

Eliza nodded. "If you wish for us to stay this way and continue as married friends who spend the most glorious of nights together and that is all then I can give you that, but I cannot love you."

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