Whereabouts unknown

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Chapter-Four~ Whereabouts unknown


Flying away from her home, was similar to what she thought being hung felt like. Except the distance was an invisible rope tugging her life away from her and thrusting her into something unknown, just like death.

Riding with Axus always have her a strange thrill, something indescribable and intimate that set a burning blaze across her heart. It fed into something within her, something that was kept away in the dark that she didn't know was truly there.

The early morning sun on her face, and the cold wind splashing past her, ensuring her eyes stayed open as they ventured further toward the kingdom of a past she didn't have.

They'd stopped once, her family that is. Making sure they got a few days rest before catching back up with the rest of their group that was traveling by ship.

Dragons after all are much faster than boats.

And now they'd come far enough so that she could see it in the distance.

A tall red building, a point reaching almost as high to kiss the blue contrasting sky.

Kingslanding was right there, dancing in front of her eyes close enough she felt she could touch it with her dragons fire.

She supposed it was somewhat pleasing on the eye, from here anyway.

Vissera looked down, and below her blue dragon, the ship that carried her none dragon family sailed closer and closer to the harbor.

She didn't feel the need to panic just yet, as far as she could see there was no threat waiting ahead for them.
But there appeared to be a group waiting on the shorelines for them.

The boat didn't pull into the harbor, instead it set anchor behind the shorelines.

Four Dragons stalled in the sky, a second age for a power that had no business belonging to any man.
They were brave to wait unarmed, only disaster and war would come from setting an attack on four adult sized beast that had been given the space to grow into the glorious sizes of their ancestors.

They were certainly no Balerion, the black dread was a gift from the gods of the Valyrions, a message from the heavens to tell Aegon the conqueror to set his sights on westeros.

But the four lost beasts would certainly of given Vhagar and Meraxes a run for their money.

Blue, purple, green and white wings hung in the sky. Each carrying a set of silver haired and purple eyed demigods back to their place over lesser men.

The second coming of Dragons as the history books would remember it.

A sunny morning on the death of the ninth moon.
The return of royals who would branch out the Targaryen rule for the next centuries to come, and a mighty one it would be.

Elaena on her winter kissed SilverMyst, golden horns to match the riders golden whispered hair. Eyes like pools of blood, cut by a Valyrian sworn into the flesh of Valyrian skin. Silvermyst was cautious as her rider, she didn't let anyone but Elaena too close and her loyalty was as fierce as her flame.
She carried a lost prince too, a boy lost and returned a man, married with two children to secure his wife's life.

Vaegon on his purple dragon Nuri, a beast who's wing span covered the rays of morning run with a shadow of black, one would believe that death had arrived for them early. She was calm, and seemingly unbothered by the approach she made with her prince, just as he was. By no means gentle she knew her image set fear in those who looked upon her, and it thrilled her bonded and herself to know they wield a power like no other.

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