Just For A Moment

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Chapter Twenty-One~ Just For A


"Here." Brandon muttered, dropping a bowl of stew onto the table in front of Vissera as she flicked through the pages of a book.
"You'll die if you don't eat."

"I've eaten." Vissera mumbled pushing the bowl away with a grimace on her face.

Brandon rolled his eyes. "Bread and butter doesn't count."
She didn't turn to face him, simply carried on ignoring his presence and flicking through her book.
"Fine, but if your stomach starts growling tonight then i'll make you sleep outside."

Vissera scoffed then, shutting the book closed. "And what makes you think I'll be staying in here anyway?"

Brandon raised a brow at her before he looked pointedly at her things around the room.

Her night gown was on the bed, her slippers on the floor and a small plate of jewelry on the desk where she sat beside a stack of books.

"And where is it you will be staying then?" Brandon questioned.

"I'm quite sure there will be a spare bed somewhere." Vissera replied, doing her best to ignore the pleas from her stomach as the warm smell of stew filled her senses.

"Oh yes, plenty of beds in the guards tents, I'm quite sure you could stay with them!" He laughed.

The stark moved over to the bed then, sitting on the opposite side to wear her night gown was. "I built the tent, I set it all up, so if anyone's leaving it's you."

Vissera leant back into the chair, she could feel herself growing irritated by his presence.

Rayla had already gone to sleep, and her new sisters were not so great for conversation.

It was Dark and raining outside so she couldn't sit out there unless she wanted to catch a cold.
She'd been reading the history of harrenhall in her solitude, and now with him here she couldn't focus due to his most annoying presence.

Deciding that the food didn't look completely awful, she pulled the bowl toward her. "Who made this?"

"It's not poisoned." Brandon replied, watching as she took a spoonful into her mouth. "I'm saving that for a rainy day."

The stew was left to go cold after that comment.

"Could you not go and stay with your brothers?" She frowned, pulling a face at the back of his head.

He mimicked her silently when she spoke, and when she was done he looked to her. "I've already told you." He sighed, taking his boots off. "This is my tent."

"Well then we can take it in turns sleeping." She nodded. She'd decided that sharing a bed with him was quite possibly the worst idea ever. "You can sleep now, and when you wake I'll sleep."

"You're being very childish." He laughed. "Are you always like this with people?"

"Just you." She snapped.

Brandon shrugged his shoulders. "Have it your way, the amount of sleep you get really is the least of my concerns, but Just know that I don't wake easily." He said before turning away from her again. "It would be to my amusement to let you sleep in the rain, but my mother would not allow that."

"Do you always do what mummy says." Vissera scoffed.

She watched the muscles in his back tense and flex when he took his shirt off and his belt. She hadn't notice how her head had fell to the side slightly as she was watching until he was facing her again and she had to snap herself back to attention.

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