As Far As Doing It Goes

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Chapter Thirty-Four~ As Far
As Doing It Goes


He didn't know why he'd done it.
He just had.

It had taken him two nights riding around the forest to find something that seemed remotely close to what she would need.

But he had found a cave, down by the creek in the west side of Wolfswood. It was a large cave, perhaps just a crack in the mountain that stood proudly surrounded by trees. But stray rocks had found themselves bedded deeper in the hole.

He took Connell, Connells brother Mitchell and three of his own brothers.

All on horse back they spent two days pulling the rocks from the cave till it seemed deep enough for a dragon to make a lair.

They teased him about it, but he didn't really care.

It was instinct to do this, what this was he didn't know.

All he knew was that he needed to so he should.

It wasn't exactly a huge cave, but it was tall enough to have him stand up, in and wide enough he could spread his wings.

"Well I hope she likes it." Connell sighed when he was done pulling the last rock from the cave with his horse.

"Do you think we need to put, I don't know, maybe leafs or something in there?" Brandon questioned as he examined the hole.
Jonnel and Bart looked at each other before laughing out loud.
"What's funny." Brandon frowned.

"Leafs?" Jonnel Laughed. "He's a Dragon, not a butterfly."

"Well I don't know." Brandon said, after shoving his brother playfully. "I don't know what they need."

"Sheep." Edric smirked. "But he's already taken a flock from old mickey so I think he'll be okay for a day or two."

They all laughed, and turned back to their horses, winterfell was about a two hour ride away and it was getting dark.

This forest wasn't called wolfswood for nothing.


Back at Winterfell Vissera was pacing up and down her chamber.

The bath that had been set out had since run cold, and she was supposed to be ready by the time Brandon arrived back so they could go down to Lyanna's birthday feast together.

But she hadn't even changed out of yesterday's clothes, hadn't even slept.

All she had done was pace.

Her feet ached from it and her legs begged to be given just a minute rest. But whilst her mind was running none stop on this wheel of uncertainty she needed another outlet for it.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

It wasn't what she wanted and Gods know he didn't want it either.

She wasn't stupid, like these ladies of westeros where were entirely oblivious to what the marital bed meant and as much as they enjoyed whispering about how scandalous an unmarried woman with a man was, they weren't sure why.
But Vissera did know why, A woman should only ever be alone with a man if it is her husband, because that is the only time a child should be conceived.

And with the way they had been carrying on, like bloody animals it should not have come as a suprise.

What would she do?

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