The aquatic duo: Serena meets Gizamon! || Act 1: Chapter 1

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Right in the heart of the capital of Washington, Olympia, a school sat nearby the sandy white beaches, a school known as Beachside High. Today had been a day like no other, where both students and teachers continued on with their work like normal. However, for one of the students... Life was about to change drastically for them.

That student was Serena Neptune, who, at the very moment, was hiding behind a trash can, watching intently at a nearby locker

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...That student was Serena Neptune, who, at the very moment, was hiding behind a trash can, watching intently at a nearby locker. Serena clasped one hand over her mouth, trying to contain her laughter, as the owner of the locker slowly opened it up...
BAM!! And suddenly a blast of confetti burst forth from the locker, covering the kid, and littering the floors with bright colored confetti.
"BAHAHA!! Hope you like my gift!!" Serena burst out laughing, the kid glaring at her. Serena was laughing so hard, that she didn't even notice the principal of the school right behind her, his arms crossed as he glared at her. The principal cleared his throat, finally catching Serena's attention, who stopped laughing, looking up at him.
"Heheh, um... What? At least I didn't use glitter this time." Serena says, awkwardly shrugging as she gave a wide, fake smile.
"Serena... Come with me to the principal's office..." The principal says sternly. "...Now."
'Urgh... Of course.' Serena thought to herself, sighing. Serena begrudgingly followed the principal to his office, sitting down on a seat in front of his desk, as he sat down as well. An awkward silence filled the room for a bit, the principal impatiently tapping his fingers on the desk, as he practically glared daggers at Serena.
"Serena... All these pranks you've been doing lately... I've had enough of this." The principal sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Why are you acting like this, Serena?"
"...I have no idea what you're talking about." Serena says.
"Come on Serena, you know what I mean. There's obviously gotta be a reason why you act like this." The principal says. "Always pranking students, regularly showing up to class either late or not at all... And overall not participating enough in class."
"Oh, great... Let me guess, now you're gonna give off some speech about how I was never hugged enough as a child or something?" Serena scoffed, rolling her eyes as she leaned back in her chair. "Well, guess what? My life at home is good, I have a good relationship with my mom, and I have no sad backstory or whatever... I just do this stuff because I enjoy it." Serena smirked, sitting back up in her chair. "And besides, school doesn't matter to me much anyways, since I'm gonna become an Olympic swimmer someday, just like my mom."
"...I really wish you wouldn't stress your mother out like this." The principal sighed, pulling out a piece of paper as he started writing on it. "Fine. If you're gonna be like this, you're gonna have detention tonight."
"Alright, fine, I... Actually, wait, I can't do it tonight." Serena says.
"Hm? Why not?"
"Me and my swim team are having a party at the beach tonight, so I can't go." Serena says.
"...Well, maybe you should have thought about that before planting a confetti bomb in Caleb's locker." The principal says, writing on a slip of paper and handing it to Serena.
'Urgh... You gotta be kidding me.'

Sometime later...
'Man, this sucks...' Serena thought to herself, sitting in detention alongside a few other students. Serena sighed, her gaze looking out at the door. 'I wonder if there's a way I could get out of here... But how...'
"Hey! Put that down!!" The teacher that was watching everyone shouted to a few of the kids, who were tossing around a water balloon. "I mean it! Knock it off!" The teacher stood up, approaching the students, as one of them quickly tossed the water balloon to Serena.
"Serena..." The teacher stretched out his arm. "...Give it to me."
...WHAP!! Serena suddenly chucked the water balloon at the teacher, as it popped, soaking his clothes.
"...What? You wanted it back, right?" Serena says, shrugging as the other kids snickered.
"...I got go dry off." The teacher mumbles, leaving the room.
"...I'm out. Later!" Serena quickly then jumps out of her seat, dashing out of the classroom.

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