Operation capture || Act 2: Chapter 12

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The doors to the shop had quickly burst open when Lily and Axel ran into the building, Lily clutching onto the injured Lopmon.
"Jake, help! I... I don't know what to do..." Lily whimpered, Jake running out from behind the counter up to them. "Oh no... Is Lopmon ok?" He asked.
"Hey, guys!" Taeka, Jazmine, and Liam all burst into the shop as well, quickly noticing Lopmon as they ran up to them. "What the? Wh-what happened to Lopmon?!" Taeka asked.
"She got attacked by Doctor X! I-I don't know what to do, there's no way we can take her to a hospital! I don't want her to die..." Lily whimpered, tears forming in her eyes as she looked down at Lopmon. The gash on her chest was leaking some black ooze, Lopmon's breathing weak and hoarse.
"Hey... I can help heal her." Doctimon's voice was heard next to them, everyone looking down at Doctimon as he held up his giant syringe. "Just set her down next to me."
Lily quickly set Lopmon down on the floor in front of Doctimon. Doctimon raised his syringe...
"HEALING SHOT!!" Doctimon jammed the syringe right into the gash, injecting the medicine into Lopmon. Immediately, the medicine made the gash fade away, like it wasn't even there. Lopmon slowly opened her eyes, grumbling as she slowly stood up.
"Oh, man... What happened?" She asked, scratching her head in confusion.
"Lopmon! I'm so glad you're alright..." Lily hugged Lopmon, a relieved smile on her face. "You got hurt by Doctor X, but you're alright now... So don't worry..." Lily let go of the hug, wiping some stray tears away as she smiled over at Doctimon. "Thanks so much for helping her, Doctimon."
"Whoa whoa, wait a minute... Did you guys say she got attacked by Doctor X?" Taeka asks.
"Yeah, we ended up running into him in the forest..." Axel says, sighing. "We left immediately after Lopmon got hurt."
"Lopmon, a-are you sure you're alright?" ExTyrannomon whimpered. "It's my fault you got hurt... I-I should have..."
"Yes, I'm fine ExTyrannomon. Don't worry about me." Lopmon says, patting ExTyrannomon on the shoulder.
"That's good... N-next time we run into Doctor X, I am NOT gonna be scared!" ExTyrannomon says, trying his best to sound confident.
"Hey, you saw my text from earlier, right?" Taeka asked Lily. Lily nodded, as Taeka, Jazmine and Liam all exchanged nervous glances. "Yeah, I did... What was all that about anyways?" Lily asked.
"We found some uh, not so good information about Doctor X in that building..." Jazmine says.
"Yeah, it's a lot... And it's not good." Taeka says. "Here, I wanna tell you guys everything we found."
"Alright... Let's go talk in the back rooms." Jake says, him and everyone besides Liam, Jazamon, and Doctimon following him into the backrooms.
"Hey Doctimon, you did a great job with healing up Lopmon..." Liam says.
"Thanks..." Doctimon shyly responded. "I'm just happy I was able to successfully heal Lopmon. Becoming a powerful healer has always been my biggest dream."
"Guess we're on the same page then." Liam responds. "Ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to become a doctor. I've been saving up for medical school my whole life, which is a massive chore, but it'll be worth it someday."
"Really? That's so cool..." Doctimon says. "I'm trying to find a way for me to Digivolve into Surgemon, and if I can do that, then I'll really become the ultimate healer. Once that happens, I'll be able to help save and heal so many Digimon and humans. Becoming a doctor and saving lives really is one of the most noble things anyone can do. However... I need to find a serious injury that I can heal... Then I think I'll really be able to Digivolve.
"Serious injury? I wish I knew of anything like that..." Liam says. "I'll let you know if I can think of anything."
"Of course... Thank you, Liam."

Sometime later...
Everyone had now moved out to hang out in the greenhouse, as Taeka had just finished telling Lily, Axel, and Jake everything that they had found inside of the abandoned Digital Enterprises building.
"Oh my god, I can't believe this..." Axel says, him and Lily looking horrified. "He was really experimenting on other fusions? And now they're all dead as well..."
"He's even worse than I thought he was..." Lily says, letting out a deep, nervous breath. "What are we gonna do about him then...?"
"We don't have any other choice with this guy..." Taeka paused, taking a deep breath. "...We're gonna have to kill him. I know we're only used to taking out tyrannical Digimon, but with how dangerous this guy is, especially after becoming this fusion, we don't really have much of a choice anymore."
"I guess you're right. I mean, with everything you just told us, it doesn't even sound like he was that human before the fusion anyways..." Lily says.
"Yeah, true... And with how dangerous this guy is, we're probably gonna have to do this as soon as possible..." Axel sighs. "We just gotta... Get this over with."
"Yeah. After what just happened with Lopmon, we're gonna have to do this immediately... We can't let him hurt anyone else." Taeka says, her tone low and serious.
"Exactly how soon are we talking...?" ExTyrannomon asks.
"I mean tonight." Taeka responds. "Tonight, we're gonna go to the woods and camp out there, and have our Digimon take him out... Um, as long as you're all fine with that, of course."
"Yeah, I'm fine with it! We gotta do whatever it takes to protect everybody!" Terriermon says, the other Digimon nodding in agreement.
"Alright, good. We gotta make this our priority. Tonight we'll camp out in the woods, make our base... And we will NOT leave the forest until Doctor X is taken care of. Everyone cool with that?"
Everyone looked a bit nervous, but all nodded in agreement regardless.
"Hey, you think me and Liam need to come with?" Jazmine asked, walking up to everyone. "I mean, since we can't fight and all..."
"I think you two should stay back." Taeka says. "This mission could be pretty risky, and I don't wanna risk you guys getting hurt, especially if you can't fight back."
"Oh, maybe you guys could watch the shop then while we're gone? Then Jake can come with too... Jake, how's that sound..."
Lily looked over to her side, but Jake wasn't next to her anymore.
"What the...? Where'd he go...?" Lily's gaze looked around the greenhouse, with a confused expression.
"I don't mind watching over the shop tonight... It actually sounds kind've fun!" Jazmine says.
"Hey, maybe you could watch the shop with them too, Taeka..." Lily says.
"Huh? Oh no, I'm definitely coming with too." Taeka says.
"Wait, really? But you can't fight without your Digivice..." Lily says, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "You sure about this?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine! Don't worry about it, Lily..." Taeka says. Lily looked over at Axel, who shrugged slightly, Lily nodding reluctantly. "Alright then... I guess we might as well start getting ready then..." Lily paused, looking back at the inside of the shop. "I gotta go look for Jake first though."
Lily went back into the shop, Taeka following her in. Jazmine also went back on the shop, Axel pulling out his phone for a bit. Nearby Liam was hanging out with Doctimon and Jazamon, looking over at Axel for a moment. Liam's gaze was staring intently at the scar over one of Axel's eyes, thoughts swirling around through his head.
"Hey Axel... Can I ask you something real quick?" Liam asks, walking up to him.
"Yeah, sure... What is it?" Axel lowered his phone, looking over at Liam.
"I hope this isn't a weird question, but about your eye... Can you see out of it?" He asked.
"My eye? Not that well, actually..." Axel responds. "It got injured when I was a kid, so I've barely been able to see out of it since then. I had surgery on it a year ago, but I still can't see much more than a blur out of it... Why are you asking?"
"Ah I was just curious, don't worry about it..." Liam says. "That sucks though, sorry about your eye."
"Hey it's no worries, I've been used to it my whole life." Axel says. Axel looked down at his phone one last time, before putting it back in his pocket. "Well, I should get going and get ready for tonight. I'll see you later."
"Alright, later man." Axel and Liam waved goodbye to one another, as Axel left the building.
Meanwhile inside of the shop, Lily was looking around for Jake. She went into one of the employee back rooms, where she eventually found him, moving some boxes around on shelves.
"Jake, there you are! Hey, did you hear our conversation from earlier?" Lily asked.
"Yeah... I did..." Jake mumbled in response, his back turned to Lily.
"Jake, are you alright?" Lily asked.
"Yeah, I just..." Jake paused, sighing as he turned around to face Lily, showing off his worried expression. "I don't know, this Doctor X stuff just kind've freaks me out. And especially after what happened to Lopmon today. Lily, I... I'm so sorry I didn't come with you guys today. I feel like if I came with, I could have stopped Lopmon from getting hurt... I-I feel like it's all my fault!"
"Hey Jake, it's fine... Don't worry..." Lily comforted Jake, who was starting to panic a bit, gently patting him on the shoulder. "I understand, I'm not mad at you... And Lopmon is alright now, so you don't have to worry about her."
"I know you're right, I just..." Jake paused, taking a deep breath. "I thought I was ready for anything Digimon related by now, but this situation in particular just feels... Different. This probably sounds dumb, but I just wish we didn't have to participate in all these dangerous fights all the time. Everything would be so much better if we could just be with our Digimon without any worries..."
"Yeah, me too... But after we take of this, I doubt we'll have to worry about any other fights anytime soon." Lily smiled at Jake, giving him a quick kiss.
"I hope so... Thanks, Lily." Jake smiled back at her, Lily nodding.
"Of course." Lily paused, pulling out her phone as she looked down at the time. "We'll, we should probably get going now... Gotta get ready for tonight."

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