Future || FINALE

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With their final goodbyes to all their friends in the Digital World, everyone had stepped through the portal, finally getting their first chance in a while to finally rest... Because after everything they went through, all the stress to save the Digital World... God knows they all deserve it.
It was very early in the morning once everyone arrived back in their world, back in Washington... Everyone, for the most part, all separated, going back to their own homes... Everyone except for Jeremy and Curimon, and Mila and little Meicoomon. The four of them all went back to Blaire's place for the night. Once they had all arrived at Blaire's home, all of them were super tired. Mila and Jeremy sleepily set up sleeping bags in Blaire's bedroom, and everyone's partners were so tired, they all fell asleep on the floor immediately.
"Man, am I glad this is all over with now..." Blaire sighed with relief, hopping on her bed and letting out a loud yawn. "Now I can finally get a good night's rest..."
"Yeah, me too...I've never had to deal with so much anxiety in my life..." Jeremy sighed, lying his head down on his pillow and slipping into his sleeping bag. "We'll, for the most part..."
"Yeah... But I just can't stop thinking about my parents now..." Mila sighed. "I mean, I just disappeared randomly that night, and they have no idea what happened to me. They must have been worried sick for me this whole time..."
"Yeah, but atleast Ross is gonna bring you back after the wedding..." Blaire says.
"I know, I just feel bad that I couldn't tell them what happened to me before we all arrived in the Digital World." Mila states. "They probably thought I got kidnapped or something..."
Everyone was silent for a bit, Jeremy letting out a saddened sigh.
"You alright, Jeremy?" Blaire asked.
"I don't know, I just... I just hate that my parents don't care about me going missing." Jeremy muttered. "They never cared that I was gone... Even before I arrived in the Digital World."
"Screw your parents, Jeremy." Blaire bluntly huffed out in annoyance. "They're nothing but abusive assholes anyway. You're way better off without them. And besides, my parents are fine with you staying with us as long as you need to, anyway."
"Well, thanks Blaire. Maybe I should get a part-time job or something... Just so I feel like less of a burden to you all." Jeremy replied.
"You're not a burden, Jeremy... But hey, a job would be pretty cool." Blaire says, a slight smile creeping on her face. "Heh, imagine if we both got a job together... That'd be pretty fun, right?"
"Yeah... As long as we don't distract each other too much." Jeremy sleepily chuckled. "We could work at that one arcade together..."
"Ooh, that'd be fun..." Blaire chuckled. "Besides, we'll probably need the money anyways for new clothes for the wedding... Even though mom and dad are giving us the money for shopping later, heh."
"Ooh, can we all go shopping tomorrow once we get some sleep?" Mila asks. "We should invite Serena too..."
"Yeah, that'd be fun..." Blaire replies, letting out another yawn as her eyelids slowly grew heavier. "But... I'm too tired to think right now..."
"Yeah... Me too..." Mila also yawned as well. "Goodnight... Everyone..."
And with that, everyone had quickly fallen asleep.

The next day...
Mila, Blaire, Jeremy, and Serena all went shopping the second they had all gotten enough rest, finding the perfect outfits to wear for Blaine and Erik's wedding. And to everyone's surprise, while they were all shopping, Jeremy and Mila's partners had finally Digivolved back to their main forms as well.
By the time they had all gotten finished with the shopping, there was only less than two hours left before the wedding would finally start. Before they went to the wedding, Mila stopped by the Digital Enterprises lab, asking Ross about her parents.
"Yeah, I called them earlier..." Ross states. "They've been worried sick about you, but they seemed to calm down a bit when I told them what happened to you... Alsok I arranged a flight back home for you at 8 PM. I hope you don't mind it's that late, I just wanted to make sure you had enough time at the wedding."
"Yeah, that's a good time." Mila says. "I'm glad you talked to them, it means a lot to me."
"Yeah, of course... Anything to help." Ross says. Ross turned around as he was trying to type on his nearby computer, letting out a groan of frustration.
"What's wrong?" Mila asked.
"It's weird, I just... I've been trying to use my Digimon tracker." Ross states, "But for some reason, it's not working today... And it's weird, nobody else's trackers in the building have been working either. It's almost like... Something is messing with them." Ross paused, letting out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. "I just want to make sure there's no other bad Digimon around, but it's impossible to know when this suddenly happens out of nowhere..."
"Really? That's weird, but... I'm sure it's just a technical glitch." Mila says, with a reassuring smile. "And besides, we all made sure all the Argomons are gone anyway."
"Yeah, I hope you're right..."
"Don't worry, I know everything's all fine! Thanks for everything, Ross..." Mila happily smiled and waved, as she left.
After leaving, everyone had promptly arrived at the community center where the wedding was held at. Everyone found the room where it was being held, seeing everyone else there too... All of the Digidestined friends were there. Taeka, Lily, Cora, Axel, Jake, Logan, Allison, Hoshi, Charlee, Jazmine, Liam... All of them. And all of their partners were with them as well. Labramon and Ryudamon were also there as well, along Erik's mom, and Blaine and Blaire's parents. Blaine and Erik were the only ones not in the room, presumably getting themselves ready.
"Oh my gosh, this is amazing! Everyone's all here..." Blaire says, squealing excitedly.
As everyone walked into the room, Blaire immediately looked over at Jake, Taeka, Lily, and Axel, who were all in a circle talking together. Blaire quickly ran up to Jake and gave him a big hug, the others following her as well.
"Whoa! You almost scared the life out of me..." Jake chuckled, quickly hugging Blaire back as she let go.
"Heh, sorry about that..." Blaire also chuckled. "I'm just so happy to see you all! It's been a while, hasn't it...?"
"Way too long!" Taeka says, an excited smile on her face as she looked at the others. "Ooh, who are you guys? New Digidestined friends, huh?"
"Oh, yeah! Guys, these three are Serena, Jeremy, and Mila..." Blaire says, introducing the three, looking down at all their partners. "And here's their partners... Gizamon, Gammamon, and Meicoomon."
"Sweet! Nice to meet you all. It's always nice to meet new Digidestined!" Taeka says, all of them introducing themselves to the three as well.
"Yeah, nice to meet you all too..." Serena says, pausing as she glances around the room, looking at all the Digimon partners. "Man, I had no idea there'd be so many Digidestined here! It's almost more like a Digidestined meetup than a wedding, heheh..."
"Yeah, well... That's what happens when you meet your closest friends through our adventures with these little guys." Jake chuckled.
"Pretty much... We're all pretty much like family to one another." Lily says. "Hell, I've known Blaine and Erik for half my life now."
"Woah, really? I never would have guessed..." Jeremy says, looking around as he smiled. "That's... Really cool, actually."
"It sure is... Ooh, can I introduce you guys to the others?" Blaire says, looking excited as he gently pulled Jeremy's arm. "Come on, I'll introduce you all to everyone!"
Blaire then lead Jeremy and the others over to another group of people chatting in the room, starting to talk to them as well.
"Jake, Jake! Where's Blaine and Erik?!" Terriermon asks, yanking at Jake's pants and catching his attention.
"They're getting ready right now..." Jake replied. "And no, I already told you earlier, you can't help them out..."
"Aww, boo... Well, can you atleast come to the bathrooms with me? I gotta pee reeeeally badly!" Terriermon pleaded.
"Ah, alright..."
"Jake, no offense, but why do you have to always come with Terriermon into the bathroom?" Axel asked.
"It's just in case he falls into the toilet." Jake replied. "Here, I'll show you where they are, Terriermon..."
Jake lead Terriermon out of the room, down the hallways until they found some bathrooms. Jake waited outside the bathrooms, Terriermon doing his buisness, talking to Jake while he was on the toilet.
"Hey, Jake! When we get back home, can you buy me a car?!" Terriermon shouted to Jake.
"Terriermon, you know I can't afford a car... Besides, what would you even do if you got a car?" Jake asks. "You know, besides probably getting a bunch of tickets, or accidentally running over someone..."
"I'm gonna drive to the White House! And then I'm gonna become the president!" Terriermon replied back.
"That's not how being the president works, Terriermon." Jake chuckled.
"Aww, come on! But I have so many ideas for this country!" Terriermon says. "Ooh, and I know my first idea! First off... I'm gonna get rid of all porta potties, and replace them all with amusement parks! That way, I can never fall inside another porta potty again! Ooh, and what else...? Oh! And..."
Terriermon started rambling about a bunch of different ideas. Jake was throughly listening at first. However... His attention started to fall away when he noticed something in the corner of his eye.
Jake could have sworn he saw something small creeping down the end of the hallway.
"What the...?" Jake stood up, squinting his eyes at the end of the hallway. He took a couple of slow steps forward...
"AGHHH!! JAKE HELP!! I FELL IN THE TOILET!!" Terriermon suddenly screamed from the bathroom.
"Ugh... You gotta be kidding me..." Jake groaned to himself. He turned back around, quickly running into the bathrooms and helping Terriermon out. He helped dry off Terriermon's fur a bit, the two quickly running into Lily as they walked out of the bathroom.
"Guys, hey! The weddings about to start..." Lily says. "Let's hurry!"
Jake, Lily, and Terriermon quickly ran back into the room. Everyone was now sitting in their seats, the three sitting down as well. Now, there was also an officiant standing at a podium in front of the seats. Wedding music soon started playing over the loudspeakers in the room, everyone turning around...

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