Abandoned secrets || Act 2: Chapter 11

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It was now the next day, as Axel was currently working at the gardening shop. While he was working, he also had Terriermon and ExTyrannomon with him. Silphymon, Guidemon, and Doctimon were all there too, all looking around the shop, and Terriermon was helping water some flowers.
"Hey, Terriermon..." Jake stepped out from a room in the back of the shop, pausing as he looked down at Terriermon. He was silent for a moment, looking at the other Digimon as well as he raised an eyebrow.
"Um... Axel? You sure it's a good idea for all the Digimon to be hanging out in the shop like this?" Jake asks, looking a bit nervous.
"Yeah, it's fine, don't worry." Axel says. "Besides, there's not that many people in the shop today anyways.
"Hey Jake, look!" Terriermon set down the watering can, a proud smile on his little face as he pointed at a bunch of flowers in front of him. "I watered all these flowers! I did a good job, right?"
"Whoa, really?" Jake kneeled down as he admired the freshly watered flowers. A smile crept onto Jake's face as he looked down at his partner, gently patting him on the head. "Nice... Good job, Terriermon!" He says.
"Ooh, did I actually do this right? That's good, cause I have no idea what I'm doing!" Terriermon says. "Hey Jake, if I keep doing more work around the shop, can I get paid? I really want some money!"
"You want money...? Terriermon, what would you even use the money for?" Jake asks.
"Im gonna save it up to buy a car! Ooh, or maybe to run for president, I'm not sure yet..." Terriermon says. "Hey Jake, which one you think I should do first?"
"Howdy, y'all!" Taeka happily walked into the shop. She also had Lily, Jazmine, and Liam with her, alongside all their partners.
"Aw geez... Guys, don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see you all, but..." Jake gulped nervously. "It's really not a good idea to have this many Digimon in the shop at once..."
"Aw Jake, you worry too much..." Lily says, as she smiled and winked.
"It is a bit crowded having all of us in here, though..." Lopmon says.
"Ooh, I know! Let's all go into the greenhouse! There's a lot more room in there!" Terriermon says. "Follow me!" All the Digimon then left the building, following Terriermon out into the greenhouse.
"So, uh... Are Silphymon and the other two living in this shop now?" Lily asked.
"For now, yeah... They're living in the back room of the shop until we can find someplace better." Jake says.
"Hey, Taeka, Jazmine, Liam... Did you guys also send your Digivices off to that Digital Enterprises?" Axel asks.
"Yeah, we all just shipped them off this morning." Jazmine responded.
"Gonna be honest though, I still feel a bit weird doing that, though..." Liam sighed. "Are we sure we can 100 percent trust that place?"
"I mean, Erik and Blaine vouched for that place, so I'm sure it's fine." Lily says.
"Yeah... it's weird. I trust those two and all, it's just a little weird to think about the fact that not all the Digital Enterprises places are bad..." Taeka says.
"Yeah, especially after what we dealt we years ago with Doctor X..." Jazmine says.
"This means that only a few of us can Digivolve right now, right?" Liam says. "Half of us, exactly. Lily and Jake can still Digivolve, and Axel can fight since ExTyrannomon is already an ultimate level Digimon..." Liam paused, sighing as he crossed his arms. "Man, this sucks. I wish me and Jazamon could help out with the fighting too..."
"Yeah, this really bites..." Taeka also sighed.
"Is there another way we can help out, at least?" Jazmine asks.
"I'm not sure yet... We still gotta find a way to stop Doctor X, and stop him from hurting people..." Taeka states. "Silphymon mentioned a dark energy that needs to be eliminated, and I know he must be talking about him."
"Taeka, how can we be completely sure that Doctor X is the dark energy that Silphymon's sensing?" Axel asks. "Are we sure there isn't another Digimon hiding out there somewhere that he senses instead...?"
"Trust my instincts Axel, I just know it!" Taeka says. "Besides, Silphymon has mentioned that there's other Digimon popping up in our world as well, but most of them don't mean any harm! Uh, besides that Thunderbirdmon, oh course... I just know that it's gotta be Doctor X! And we need to find a way to stop him..." Taeka paused, looking down at the floor as she sighed. "Doctor X, he's... If he's really even taken some lives too, then we need to stop him as soon as possible. We just, urgh... Gotta think of a plan."
"Hmm... The original Digital Enterprises building that we dealt with years ago... It's still around, right?" Axel asks.
"Yeah. I heard that the building was abandoned after the incidents years ago..." Lily says. "But the building is still around. I don't think it's even been touched since then."
"That's good. If it hasn't even been cleared out yet, maybe we could go in there and look around?" Axel suggests. "Maybe the building might have some documents or information on Doctor X's fusion that could help us out."
"Oh, man. That's perfect!" Taeka says. "A few of us should head over there right now... And I'm gonna be one of those people!"
"Ooh, I wanna come with too!" Jazmine says.
"Yeah, I'll come with too." Liam also chimes in.
"I think that sounds good. I think I'm gonna go head back to the forest too, to see if there's anything else there we can find too..." Lily says, turning over to Jake and Axel. "Hey, you two wanna come with too?"
"I can come with." Axel says.
"Ah sorry, I-I can't today. I gotta watch the shop..." Jake says. "Just please be careful, you two..." Jake says to Lily and Jake, the two nodding in response.
"Of course I will. We should probably get ready and go now then..." Lily says.
"Alright... I'll go get the Digimon." Liam says, walking out into the greenhouse while everyone else started getting ready. Liam was watching all the Digimon for a moment, who were all running around the greenhouse, admiring the flowers and plants. When Liam looked over to the side, he noticed that one of the Digimon, Doctimon, was sitting in a corner all alone.
"Hey... Your name's Doctimon, right?" Liam approached the Digimon, sitting down on the floor next to him. "Are you alright? I just noticed that you're sitting all alone..."
"Um, y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm just... I'm really not that good at socializing with others." Doctimon sighed, looking at the other Digimon.
"Oh, really? I thought you were friends with Silphymon and Guidemon?" Liam asks.
"I kind've am, but I haven't actually known those two for that long..." Doctimon says. "Right now I just, you know... Feel a bit better being alone."
Liam was silent for a moment, contemplating his response as he took a deep breath. "Hey, listen. I understand how you feel. Other people can be hard to deal with sometimes... But I promise that everyone here is nice, so you don't have to be worried about anything."
"Um, alright... T-thank you." Doctimon nodded, looking over at the others once more. "I'll try and talk to the others... But later. When I'm feeling less nervous."
"Of course. Take your time, Doctimon." Liam smiled and nodded, standing back up. "Hey, Jazamon! Come here! We're gonna be leaving soon..." Liam calls to Jazamon, who quickly runs up to him.
"Ok... Where are we going?" Jazamon asked.
"...I'll explain it to you on the way there."

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