Ocean travel || Act 5: Chapter 19

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Feeling a new sense of hope after coming up with a plan, Blaire and Dorumon, and Serena and Gizamon, all made their way out of the cave, doing their best to brave the chilly air of the icy island they were trapped on. Luckily for everyone now though, the sun was out, the sunlight sparkling against the snow and making everyone a bit warmer.
"Man, it's still cold out here..." Blaire huffed, rubbing her arms. "At least it's a bit warmer now though..."
Everyone looked around, seeing a spot higher above them that was filled with tall pine trees.
"Up there! We can get up there that way!" Gizamon pointed to a small slope, that had some stairs that led up to the trees. Everyone walked up the stairs, approaching the tall trees as they stared up at them.
"Uh... How exactly are we gonna chop these things down?" Serena asked, knocking her hand against the thick trunk of one of the trees. "These things are pretty big."
"Don't worry! We can use our powers to knock these things down." Gizamon says confidently, him and Dorumon approaching one of the trees. "Watch this! HYAH!!"
Gizamon and Dorumon both kicked at the trees repeatedly. However, their attacks barely did anything to the trees, the sounds of their kicks against the wood only just echoing in the air.
"Hey, you guys... Maybe we should Digivolve and-"
"WHAT IS THAT RACKET?!" Blaire was cut off when a voice shouted to them from within the trees. Everyone stopped and turned to where the voice came from, seeing three Digimon suddenly step out.

 Everyone stopped and turned to where the voice came from, seeing three Digimon suddenly step out

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"AAAGHH!! MOJYAMON!!" Gizamon screeched out, the two Digimon glaring at the three bigger Digimon.
"Back off you three! Or we'll kick your butts!" Serena threatens them.
"Wait! Stop!" Blaire suddenly stepped out between both sides. "Mojyamon, we're not here to cause any trouble! We're all trapped on this island right now, and all we wanna do is build a raft and escape! That's all..."
"...That's it? You should have said something earlier!" One of the Mojyamon says. "We can help you build that raft!"
"...Oh, really? Well, that was easier than I thought it would be." Serena says, everyone relaxing.
"Yeah... But only on one condition! We'll only help you if you don't return to this island again!" Another Mojyamon says. "Got it?"
"Oh, you definitely don't need to worry about us coming back here again." Blaire says, everyone nodding in agreement.
"Good! We have another place we can grab some wood at instead. Don't wanna destroy this forest too much, you know?" Another Mojyamon says. "Come on, follow us!"
"Dude, hold on! You sure we can chop trees down over there...?" Another Mojyamon says, lowering his voice a bit. "Won't master Hex be mad at us...?"
"Aw, I'm sure it'll be fine! It's not like we're chopping down that many trees anyway..." The other Mojyamon whispers back. All three of them sounding like they were getting into a hushed argument, the group only barely hearing a few of their words.
"Um... Is everything alright?" Dorumon asked.
"Huh? Oh, yeah! Everything's all good! Don't you worry a single little fur on your head!" One of the Mojyamon says, the other two almost glaring at him. "Come on, everyone! Follow me!"
The group all exchanged looks of worry and confusion, but still chose to follow the Mojyamons anyway. "Alright..."

Meanwhile, with Mila and Jeremy...
Mila and Meicoomon, and Jeremy and Gammamon, all walked carefully through the tropical island forest, getting closer to the Toropiamon territory. Jeremy in particular was pretty nervous, his eyes looking back and forth between them as they walked. Eventually, they reached the edge of the Toropiamon territory, hiding under a thick bush as they carefully peeked out. Peeking out, they could see four different Toropiamons. Two of the Toropiamons were sleeping, and the other two were eating some tropical fruits.
"Look! I see the whistle over there." Meicoomon whispered, pointing to the other side of the territory. On the ground, everyone could see the whistle next to a pile of other trinkets and such. The whistle was a shiny, blue color, with intricate wave designs on the side of it. Everyone quickly hid back into the bush, before the Toropiamons could spot them.
"How are we gonna be able to grab this whistle?" Jeremy asks. "Those Toropiamons are gonna attack us no matter what we do."
"Maybe me and Gammamon can distract the Toropiamon and fight them..." Meicoomon says. "While you two go grab the whistle. We don't even need to beat them, just distract them long enough to get the whistle."
"Yeah, alright. That sounds good..." Mila nods in agreement, looking over at Jeremy. "What do you think, Jeremy?"
'Oh, man... It's been a while since I've fought.' Jeremy thought to himself. 'What if GulusGammamon comes out again?'
"Jeremy? You alright?" Mila asks, snapping Jeremy out of his thoughts.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine..." Jeremy says. "Let's... Lets do it."
"Ok, good. On the count of three. One..." Mila started counting. "Two... Three!"
Jeremy breathed a sigh of relief as Gammamon evolved normally, both the two Digimon charging at the Toropiamon...
"MODESTLY STUN!!" "URDA IMPULSE!!" Both the two attacked the Toropiamon, doing a bit of damage.
"TROPICA VENOM!!" "PETAL CARNAGE!!" Both the Toropiamons attacked back, both the two dodging. Both Digimon went back and forth with their attacks, as Jeremy and Mila ran across the territory, running up to the whistle.
"I got it!" Jeremy quickly grabbed the whistle, sticking it in his pocket. But now though, the other two Toropiamons were awake, both noticing Jeremy and Mila. The two nervously backed up, both the Toropiamons growling at them as they readied to attack...
"MODESTLY STUN!!" "LAMBERTA KICK!!" But Meicrackmon and KausGammamon quickly attacked and stopped them, knocking them back. The two both then grabbed onto their partners, flying out of the territory and above the trees. The two then flew past the jungle quickly, landing back out on the beach.
"Oh, man... That was a close one!" Jeremy let out a deep breath of relief, their two partners reverting back to their regular forms. "You two alright?"
"Yeah, we're fine... A little sore, but good!" Gammamon says.
"Come on, guys! Let's use the whistle now!" Meicoomon excitedly says.
"Let's see..." Jeremy pulled out the whistle, looking at it for a moment... He then blew on the whistle, which let out a loud, but almost musical sounding noise.
"Am I using this thing right?" Jeremy asks.
"Yes, but..." Everyone could suddenly hear Renamon's voice behind them, walking up to them. "Whamon lives pretty far away in the ocean. He can hear it from anywhere, but it'll take hours for him to arrive."
"Oh, really? At least that gives us some time to rest up then." Mila says, Gammamon and Meicoomon plopping down onto the soft beach sand.
"Yes, um... If you don't mind me asking... Can I come with you all?" Renamon asks, everyone looking to her with surprised faces. "I know I was talking about how dangerous the mainland was, but I've been thinking about an old friend of mine... I wanna see if I can find him again. Make sure he's alright out there."
"Oh, of course! We'd love to have you come with us." Mila says, everyone nodding in agreement.
"Good... Thank you all." Renamon says, everyone else sitting down on the sand. "Then for now let's wait... Until Whamon arrives."

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