Space travel || Act 5: Chapter 25

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Back at the castle, Blaire and Dorumon were outside in the back gardens. Mademon had given them a manual on how to build a spaceship, since two of the Olympus Twelve members, Marsmon and Jupitermon, were on the Digital World's moon out in space. However, despite having the manual to aid them, the two had gotten nowhere close to building the spaceship, only growing more and more frustrated the longer they tried to build the complex vessel.
"Ugh, screw this!" Blaire angrily threw the manual to the ground, letting out an exasperated sigh of annoyance. "This is freaking impossible! I can't do this anymore, urgh..."
"Maybe we should just take a break from this for now..." Dorumon says, setting down a spaceship part and sitting on the grass. "Maybe we could go look for Junomon instead? Those Argomons have to be gone by now..."
"Yeah, you're probably right." Blaire says. "I thought I could build this spaceship by now, but this is just impossible..."
"Maybe after we help out Junomon, we can ask Mademon for help again?" Dorumon suggests. "Maybe he knows a way we can build it."
"Yeah, that sounds good. Let's hurry and go there now." Blaire says, Dorumon nodding in agreement.
Blaire and Dorumon made their way out of the castle, arriving at the crystal cave area fairly quickly. Luckily the two made sure to scope out the outside of the caves, seeing no signs of Argomons.
"Let's still be careful... There could still be some inside." Blaire says, Dorumon nodding. The two carefully crept into the caves, making sure to tiptoe around and be as quiet as they possibly could. They could still hear some noises within the caves, having to duck down a few times to avoid being spotted by a couple of Argomons. The two eventually did make their way to the spot where they last saw Junomon. Looking around, they saw Junomon peek her head out from behind some rocks, quickly approaching them.
"Why are you two here again?! I thought I told you all to stay away from these caves!" Junomon quickly snapped.
"Junomon, come on. We need you to get out of these caves safely!" Blaire pleaded. "Mademon, he wants you to return back to the castle. All the Olympus Twelve members are gonna be returning back there too."
"...Really? Lord Mademon wants me to? Well..."
Suddenly a loud rumbling noise was heard, seeing a bunch of Argomons float into the room.
"No... I will NOT let you hurt these Digidestined! NEEDLE HIVE!!" Junomon quickly slashed at a bunch of the Argomons, doing a lot of damage to them.
"ENTRAPMENT!!" But one of the Argomons quickly flung its tentacles forward, restraining Junomon...
"No... W-we gotta help her!" Blaire says in a panic.
Dorugamon was about to attack, but his body was too squeezed inside the small cavern room to move around, preventing him from doing so. "I... I can't..."
"VOLTLINE!! VOLTLINE!!" Many of the Argomons zapped Junomon, who screamed out in pain... Until she quickly poofed to an egg.
"JUNOMON!! NO!!" Blaire screamed, quickly grabbing the egg. Blaire backed nervously away, her back pressing against the wall as the Argomons slowly crept towards her.
"No... Don't... You... DARE!!" Dorugamon kicked one of the Argomons, knocking it back. Dorugamon pressed all the weight of his body against the walls of the cave, slowly starting to crack and crumble it... And doing so, he managed to crack a hole in the walls. Blaire quickly then hopped on top of Dorugamon's back, Dorugamon flying off and away from the caves. Blaire clutched onto the egg tightly, as Dorugamon flew back to the castle.
Once they were back inside the castle, they headed into the nursery, handing Junomon's egg over to Pillomon. Afterwards, they found Mademon, telling him about what happened.
"Poor Junomon... Well, as long as she's not infected, she'll be fine!" Mademon says.
"Yeah, um... Actually, there was something else we wanted to ask about too..." Blaire says. "You see, we've been trying to build that spaceship, but it's been impossible... You know someway we can get some help with building it?"
Mademon was silent for a moment, scratching his chin as he was thinking. "Actually, I do know someone that could help you..." Mademon says. "There's this Digimon, Vademon... He's an expert at building spaceships, so he should be able to build one or lend one to you! And don't worry if he asks for any money... Just tell him that I'll send him as much money as he wants after our world is restored back to normal!"
"Alright... Yeah, that's perfect! Thanks, Mademon..." Blaire says, smiling as Mademon nodded.
"Of course! Here... I'll go get a map to his place!"

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