Return to the Digital World || Act 5: Chapter 18

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Days had passed since the attack on Mila's farm. Right now it was the middle of the night, where everyone else in the house was asleep... Everyone but Mila. Mila had collected all of the gadgets that had dropped from all the Argomons, and for the past few days, had been tinkering around with them. Over all the time Mila tinkered around with them, she had noticed the unique shapes of each geometric shaped gadget. And through all the days, she spent most of her time them putting different pieces together, like they were puzzle pieces. The more pieces that fit together, the more they were slowly starting to form what looked like a ring. The ring shape was only barely larger than Mila's wrist. And it wasn't complete yet, but Mila was close to finishing it.
Now Mila only had two more pieces left, an excited smile on her face as she fit the last two into the ring.
"And... There we go! Yes!" Mila excitedly clapped and spoke in a soft voice, making sure not to wake up Meicoomon, who was asleep on her bed. Mila smiled as she grabbed the ring...
"Ow!" But suddenly dropped it when a slight volt suddenly went through the ring. "What the...?" Mila looked down at the ring, noticing that more and more volts were now running through the ring. Suddenly a volt then flew out of the ring, hitting a lamp on a nearby desk, as it fell to the ground with a loud crash. The sudden volt scared Mila and made her jump back, Meicoomon groaning as she slowly opened up her eyes.
"Urgh... Mila...?" Meicoomon rubbed her eyes, yawning as she sleepily sat up. "What was that noise...?"
"L-look at this, Meicoomon!" Mila pointed down at the ring, which was now starting to rumble and shake.
"What the...? EEP!!" Meicoomon suddenly ducked down as another volt shot out of the ring, hitting the wall. Mila and Meicoomon both backed away from the ring as it suddenly shot up and starting floating in the air, almost like it had a mind of its own.
"Mila, look!" Meicoomon pointed to Mila's Digivice on her nightstand, which was now starting to glow, making a soft beeping noise. Mila walked over to her Digivice and picked it up.
"Is the Digivice... Reacting to the ring?" Mila asked. Mila took a step closer to the ring, the beeping suddenly becoming faster.
"Try bringing your Digivice closer to the ring... Maybe it'll fully activate it?" Meicoomon's suggests. Mila gulped nervously, stepping closer to the ring. The beeping got more and more rapid until Mila was right in front of the ring. Mila then stretched her arm out, holding the Digivice between the ring...
...And suddenly, the beeping completely stopped. The ring started rumbling even harder, feeling like it was shaking the entire room. Mila and Meicoomon couldn't move at all, as a bright light suddenly burst forth from her Digivice, completely blinding the two... And knocking them out.
However... What Mila didn't realize in that moment... Was that activating that ring... Would set off more than just her Digivice. Out farther away in Washington, three other Digivices were also activated...
...Blaire's Digivice was activated...
...Jeremy's Digivice was activated...
...And Serena's Digivice was activated. All three of them, alongside their Digimon, were all asleep, the glow of their Digivices completely blinding the room... As they all disappeared.
None of them were prepared for where they would wake up next.
"Urgh... What the..." Mila groaned as she slowly opened up her eyes, looking to her left to see Meicoomon next to her as well. Meicoomon also opened her eyes as well, the two noticing that they were laying on a soft, sandy beach.
"Huh...? Wh-where are we?" Mila asked, rubbing her head in confusion as the two stood up, looking at their surroundings. On one side of them, was a vast, spacious ocean that stretched far behind the horizon. On the other side of them was a lush, tropical jungle, with tall palm trees and various plant life.
"Mila, oh my gosh..." Meicoomon gasped. "I think... We're in the Digital World!"
"Wait... WHAT?!" Mila's eyes widened in horror, looking around in panicked disbelief. "How is that possible?!"
"That ring you fixed... It must have been some kind of teleportation device!" Meicoomon says, Mila looking around again in shock.
"I can't believe it... I-I had no idea the ring would do that! Ok, I need to calm down..." Mila paused, taking a couple of deep breaths as she started to calm down a little. "Alright... Meicoomon, do you have any idea where we are?"
"I'm not sure... I've spent my whole life living on the mainland." Meicoomon says, looking out at the jungle. "I know this place isn't part of the mainland."
"Hmm... Maybe we should look around the island a bit for clues?" Mila suggests, also looking at the jungle. "Maybe we'll find a way off this island."
"Yeah, you're right... Let's go. But be careful."

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