Old friends return || Act 2: Chapter 9

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It was a nice afternoon in New York, everyone going about their days as usual...

Today, Taeka was hanging out inside her bedroom, watching something on a small TV

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Today, Taeka was hanging out inside her bedroom, watching something on a small TV. Taeka was sitting on the floor right in front of the TV, intently watching...

Taeka was so fixated on whatever she was watching, that she didn't notice her younger sister Lily walk into her room

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Taeka was so fixated on whatever she was watching, that she didn't notice her younger sister Lily walk into her room.
"Hey, Taeka... Um, are you watching those recordings again?" Lily asked. Taeka quickly picked up a remote and paused, looking back at Lily. "Yeah... It's weird, I just can't get these out of my mind lately..."
"And I'll never understand why... Those recordings give me the creeps." Lily says. "No offense, but you really need to stop watching those."
"I can't help it. I always watch these recordings when I think about... You know..."
"Yeah, I get it." Lily nodded, hearing a text notification as she looked down at her phone. "Jake wants to go out and eat lunch soon..." Lily says. "Come on, let's go."
"Ooh! Food! Alright." Taeka shut off the TV, quickly standing up. "Let's go!"

Sometime later...
Taeka and Lily were in the car, Lily driving them on the way to the restaurant, while Taeka looked at a menu on her phone. "Dude... The food in this place is expensive!" Taeka says.
"Yeah, I know... I'm just glad Jake makes enough money from his job at his parent's gardening shop to afford it." Lily says.
"Yeah... He makes way more money than I do with my stupid job." Taeka says.
"Stupid? I thought you liked working at that grocery store." Lily asks.
"Eh, sometimes I do." Taeka says. "I only like working there cause Liam works there too... You know, I..."
Taeka started rambling on and on about a bunch of things, Lily only half listening while she was driving. When the car stopped at a red light, Lily looked over in another direction, her eyes going wide with shock. The second the traffic lights turned green, Lily quickly drove the car off in another direction, driving faster than usual.
"Whoa, hey! What are you doing? I thought the restaurant was in another direction..." Taeka asks. Lily didn't respond, still driving off... Until she quickly parked and stopped, right in front of a dark and spooky looking forest. Lily quickly got out of the car, Taeka also doing so. "Lily, are you alright?"
"I... Taeka, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but... I could have sworn I saw some Digimon attacks coming from this forest." Lily says, Taeka's eyes going wide.
"Whoa! Really...? Are you sure...?"
"EVIL HURRICANE!!" Suddenly from nearby in the forest, a small hurricane attack shot up into the sky. The two paused, staring the entrance of the forest... They heard rapid footsteps coming towards them...

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