Healing minds || Act 5: Chapter 28

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There was nothing but a mix of all different kinds of emotions... Dread, fear, anxiety. All these negative emotions swirled around in Jeremy and Mila's heads, as they watched their partners... Regulusmon, a result of Gammamon's out of control state... And Raguelmon, a result of Meicoomon's infected state... Fight each other to the death, their minds broken and warped by their now uncomfortable actions.
"No... Th-this can't be happening!" Jeremy panicked. "Wh-why is this happening? What did I do wrong?!"
"Jeremy, what's happening here isn't your fault!" Ross says. "Gammamon's data is unstable, and there's no way to fix it... And his powers aren't just connected to your emotions... They're connected to his as well."
"Raguelmon, stop! PLEASE!!" Mila pleaded in a panic. However, the two ignored their partner's pleas, still attacking one another. Erik and Blaine both exchanged looks and looked down at their partners.
"We're gonna have to help them... There's no choice." Blaine says.
"Yeah, but..." Erik and Blaine both pulled out their Digivices, checking the power meters. "Evolving to mega... That'll use up half our power."
"Yeah... But it's our only choice now." Blaine says, letting out a sigh as both their partners nodded.


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"DRAGON KING'S BLADES!!" Anubismon and Ouryumon wasted no time attacking the two, doing a decent amount of damage to each of them.
"FORM TARANIS!!" "KALYPSO BITE!!" Raguelmon and Regulusmon immediately tried to attack back...
"GOLDEN ARMOR!!" But luckily Ouryumon blocked the attack quickly, even doing a bit of damage to them as well.
"Guys! Hey!" Everyone could hear Serena's voice, looking over to see her and Blaire, and their partners running up to everyone, looking up at all four of the Digimon as they gasped.
"What the hell is going on here?!" Blaire asked.
"FanBeemon got poofed..." Ross says with a sigh. "And Gammamon, he... He freaked out and turned into that."
"Crap... Should we..." Serena's voice trailed off when she turned around, seeing that more Argomons were approaching them. "Oh, come on! I thought we were done with these things!"
"Can you guys go and hold them off again? We can't let them get too close to us." Ross says. Blaire and Serena both nodded, them and their partners running over and fighting the Argomons. All everyone else could do now was watch, as the four Digimon fought one another...
...But luckily, Ouryumon and Anubismon were overpowering Raguelmon and Regulusmon fairly quickly. Regulusmon was struggling to stand up now, feeling more and more weaker...
"...DRAGON OF THE SUN!!" And Ouryumon unleashed a powerful attack on Regulusmon... Poofing him to dust. The dust quickly swirled around and formed into an egg, Jeremy promptly catching it before it fell to the ground.
"...You're next." Anubismon and Ouryumon both surrounded Raguelmon, who was sturggling to stand, growling and glaring at the two...
"AMMIT!!" And the two both attacked Raguelmon with all their powerful... Also poofing her to dust. Her data quickly swirled around, forming both Meicoomon and FanBeemon's eggs, Ross and Mila catching both of them.
"GUYS!! THERES TOO MANY OF THEM!!" Everyone could hear Serena yelling. Looking over, they could see Serena and Blaire running over to them, both their partners back in their rookie forms and looking beat. They were also getting chased by multiple Argomons as well.
"Everyone, stay back! PYRAMID POWER!!" Anubismon protectively stepped in front of everyone, unleashing a powerful on multiple Argomons. Anubismon and Ouryumon quickly then scooped up the group, flying up into the air. They all flew away, and to the castle...
...However, the castle also had multiple Argomons outside of it as well...
"GOLDEN RAY!!" Anubismon quickly shot one of the Argomons outside the door, completely taking it out. The two mega Digimon set everyone back on the ground, everyone running into the castle. Anubismon and Ouryumon shot out one last attack, reverting back to their rookie forms as they ran inside the castle as well, Ross quickly locking the front door.
"Oh, man! That was a close one..." Serena sighed with relief.
"Tell me about it... Man, how the hell are any of us still alive?!" Blaine asked.
"We've gotten lucky... This infection only keeps getting worse." Ross huffed.
"Hey, everyone! How'd it go?" Mademon greeted everyone with a happy demeanor. Although his mood quickly changed to sadness when he saw everyone's panicked states, alongside the eggs. "Oh... Not so well, huh? Are you guys-"
Bang! BANG!! Everyone could suddenly hear loud banging noises from the Argomons outside the wall, everyone backing away.
"Everyone, to this room!" Mademon pointed to the bedrooms, everyone running into the room and shutting the door.
"This is so bad..." Jeremy spoke in a panic.
"Mademon, are you sure these Argomon can't break into this castle?" Ross asks.
"I mean... Venusmon's spell is pretty powerful, but..." Mademon paused, letting out a worried sigh.
"You think Venusmon's powers could fade away soon?" Erik asks.
"Well... I..." Mademon looked worried, his eyes widening as he quickly shakes his head, plastering a forced smile on his face.
"Oh no, not at all! Er, I hope... But just in case, I'd stay away from the front door and any windows!" Mademon says.
Knock! KNOCK!! Everyone suddenly froze when heard loud knocks against the front door. Everyone was silent, hearing what sounded like fighting...
BANG!! And everyone gasped when they heard the front door burst open, and suddenly slam shut. Everyone nervously and cautiously backed away...
"HEEEEY YALL!!" And we're met with a surprise when Minervamon burst into the room, excitedly greeting everyone.
"Minervamon?! Geez, you scared the life out of us!" Mademon says. "Where have you been this whole time?"
"Oh you know, the usual..." Minervamon says, with a casual smile. "Hanging out, playing games... Oh, in fact! I was playing chase with this one over here..." She says, pointing to Mila as she chuckled. "Seems like I won though, huh? Haha!"
"Minervamon, are you serious?!" Mademon snapped angrily at her. "Our world is about to be destroyed by these Argomon, and you're out here playing games? And acting like nothing is happening?!"
"Whoa, chill out Mademon! You're gonna get wrinkles on that furry little face of yours." Minervamon casually replied.
"Urgh... Just go and hang out with the other Olympus Twelve, alright? And don't leave this castle unless I say so!" Mademon practically scolded her.
"Alright, I won't! Just calm down, Mademon..." Minervamon says as she leaves the room.
"Oh, Minervamon..." Mademon sighed, rubbing his forehead with a look that had a mix of annoyance and exhaustion within it.
"Hey, if Minervamon's here now... Doesn't that mean we have all of the Olympus Twelve here now?" Blaire asks.
"Yeah, but the problem is, everyone still isn't exactly ready..." Mademon says. "We have to train Coronamon and Lunamon back into Apollomon and Dianamon. And Merukimon and Junomon's eggs hatched too, and, well... Ah, it's a lot to explain. It'd be easier if I just showed you all... So, who wants to come with me to the training room?"
"I'll come with you." Blaine says.
"Yeah, me too." Erik also chimed in.
"I might as well come with too." Blaire also says.
"Great! Follow me."
Mademon led the three of them, alongside their partners, out of the room. They all followed Mademon down the hallways, opening the door to the training room...

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