SkullAnubismon || Act 1: Chapter 8

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Betsumon's plans had worked... Betsumon watched, with a big, maniacal grin on his face, as Labramon screamed in pure horror, the dark aura around him slowly shifting his body...


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"Hahaha, yes... YOU'RE PERFECT!!" Betsumon stared up at Labramon's new darkened mega form in awe... This more twisted and darker version of Anubismon had no skin, almost like his flesh was melted off his body... There was a dark, fiery aura surrounding parts of SkullAnubismon's body, and it was now impossible to read the emotions on his face, the empty eye sockets being filled with the dark aura. SkullAnubismon moved almost robotically, turning around to face a nearby, abandoned building...
"...DARKENED RAY!!" As SkullAnubismon blasted out a massive, dark ray from his hands... Completely obliterating the building in one shot.
"YES!!" Betsumon screamed in pure delight. "DESTROY EVERYTHING!!"
Nearby, Serena and Gizamon were hiding behind a nearby building, as Serena looked up at the massive SkullAnubismon in shock. "Wh...What the? What kind of Digimon is that supposed to be?" Serena asked. She pulled out her Digivice, using the analyzer. "SkullAnubismon... It says he's a mega level Digimon..."
"Whoa... That means he's the highest level a Digimon can be!" Gizamon says, looking excited and ready to fight. "Come on! Let's go kick his butt!"
"Uh... I don't about this one, Gizamon..." Serena looked over at SkullAnubismon, who was firing more Darkened Rays at another building. "This guy seems a bit... Out of our league. And pretty strong, too... Maybe we should go find and ask the others for help on this one?"
"Nah, we've totally got this! Don't worry, I bet I can totally kick his butt!" Gizamon says, Serena still looking unsure, but nodding reluctantly. "Alright... If you say so..."

Cora, Hoshi, Jeremy, and Blaire, all quickly ran over to Blaine's apartment building... Immediately upon arriving, they saw Blaine and Ryudamon outside, the two looking up in the distance at SkullAnubismon. SkullAnubismon was pretty far away from the building, but everyone could still see him anyways due to how big he was.
"Wh-what's going on here?! Is that supposed to be Labramon up there?!" Blaine freaked out, looking up at SkullAnubismon in pure horror.
"Oh god... D-did Betsumon corrupt Labramon?" Jeremy whimpered nervously, Blaine quickly looking over at the others. "Corrupt Labramon?! What is going on?!"
"Blaine, we NEED to find Erik... NOW." Cora says, her voice sounding shaky with fear. Nearby everyone could hear a soft banging noise from a nearby alleyway... Everyone exchanged glances as they carefully walked into the alleyway, hearing the banging noise again... This time they heard that the noise was coming from a nearby dumpster... Blaine quickly opened up the dumpster, to see Erik laying inside, his arms tied up behind his back, and his mouth covered with duct tape.
"Oh my god..." Blaine looked horrified, him and Cora helping Erik out of the dumpster. Erik almost struggled to stand for a moment, as Blaine supported him, while Cora took the tape off his mouth, and Gammamon untied his ropes.
"Erik, are you alright?" Blaine asked, Erik weakly nodding as he took a few quick breaths.
"Y-yeah, I think so." Erik responded. "I just..." Erik's voice trailed off when he noticed SkullAnubismon in the distance. His eyes went wide with horror as his knees became weak, nearly stumbling over. "...Labramon?! Oh my god, is that..."
"Guys, WHAT is going on here?!" Blaine snapped once more.
"There's this shapeshifting Digimon, Betsumon..." Cora explains. "He has plans to use one of our Digimon to Digivolve and destroy the city..."
"Oh no... He must have dark Digivolved Labramon then." Erik says, staring at the ground in horror, as he started to remember everything that happened earlier that day. "I remember going out to get the mail this morning... Then this Digimon grabbed me and knocked me out. Next thing I knew I woke up in that dumpster..."
"Then that means, this morning... That wasn't you walking into the apartment..." Blaine says. "That was Betsumon impersonating you. He must have said or done something bad to Labramon to force him to dark Digivolve then..."
"His name is SkullAnubismon..." Blaire says, looking down at her Digivice analyzer. "Guys, he's gonna destroy the city! We have to hurry, now!"
"Cora, you should go back to Digital Enterprises, since you can't fight right now anyways..." Blaine says. "And tell Ross and everyone there what's going on."
"Yeah, I will..." Cora nods in agreement, her and BlackGabumon running off, as everyone starts running over to where SkullAnubismon was.
"I have some... Bad news, though..." Hoshi huffs, while everyone was running. "Betsumon, he... He swallowed my Digivice, so now I can't fight. But... I still wanna see if there's a way I can get it back."
"Really? Ugh, of course..." Blaine huffed in annoyance. "We'll get it back, Hoshi... Don't worry."

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