Sun and moon || Act 5: Chapter 29

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"Stand and fight?! Are you serious right now Serena?!" Jeremy squealed at Serena in a panic, everyone else watching in horror as the Argomons slowly crept towards them from the broken holes in the castle walls.
"Of course I am! How else are we supposed to survive this?!" Serena snapped back.
"Serena, might I remind you that you and Gizamon are the only ones who can fight right now?" Ross states. Serena quickly looked back at everyone, looking at Ross and Jeremy's partners in their fresh forms, and Mila's partner still inside her egg.
"Crap, you're right..." She sighed. "Alright, then... You guys go run and fund the others! We'll hold these things off."
"Alright... Got it." Ross nodded, the rest of the group running off down the hall.

Mademon ran down the hallways in a panicked frenzy, quickly arriving in the room where Venusmon was at. Mademon quickly shut the door behind him, looking up at her...
"Venusmon, wake up! PLEASE!!" Mademon pleaded and called to her. Soon, Venusmon's eyes weakly fluttered opened, her body slowly floating down to the ground. However, the second she floated down to the floor, she nearly fell over, Mademon quickly grabbing her waist and helping her sit up.
"Venusmon! It's alright, I've got you..." Mademon spoke in a gently tone. Venusmon let out a shaky, exhausted breath, falling to her knees. Mademon was too small to help her fully stand back up, only being able to keep her limp body sitting up straight.
"Mademon, I... I'm sorry..." Venusmon weakly mumbled. "I... I can't..."
"It's alright Venusmon. You'll be fine..." Mademon says. "M-maybe I can get you to the others... They should be able to help you..."
"No, Mademon. You can't, I..."
Venusmon tried to stand, but her legs were too shaky, her weak body only fall back down to the floor. "...I think this is it for me."
"W-what...? No Venusmon, please. You can't... This... We have all the other Olympus Twelve here now." Mademon says. "It's your time to finally shine now!"
"Not anymore, Mademon... It's... It's your time now." Venusmon says.
"Wh-what? But... No, I-I can't fight those Argomons!" Mademon whimpered and shook his head. Venusmon gave a weakened smile in response, gently placing a hand on Mademon's cheek.
"If you have my powers Mademon, then... You can fight them."
"T-take your powers?!" Mademon's eyes widened with shock, tears starting to form in his eyes. "Venusmon, please, you can't do this!"
"It'll be fine, Mademon. Besides, I'm going to fade away anyways... And I know if I can trust anyone with my powers... It'd be you." Venusmon says. Venusmon looked back towards a window in the room. She raised an arm up and pointed towards the sky... As a small, clear orb suddenly formed.
"This orb... Once all the Olympus Twelve bring their powers into it.... It'll create an attack that'll be powerful enough to wipe out every Argomon in the world." Venusmon states. "Go find the others and tell them... I know you can do this."
"I... I don't know if I can do this without you...." Mademon whimpered, tears streaming down his eyes.
"Of course you can, Mademon... And don't worry, you won't be without me. I'll always be a part of you..."
Venusmon leaned her forehead against Mademon's, her body slowly starting to fade away. "But for now... This is goodbye, my love..."
"G-goodbye, Venusmon... I love you too..." Mademon whimpered. Mademon closed his eyes, feeling Venusmon's data absorb itself into his body... And once he opened his eyes, she was now gone. Mademon sniffled, wiping some tears off his face as he felt her powers course through his body... And now, thinking about his loss... He could start feeling raw anger welling up inside.
"Argomons... I'm NOT letting you all get away with this."

Everyone inside the training room... Blaine and Ryudamon, Erik and Labramon, Blaire and Dorumon, Pillomon, Coronamon and Lunamon, and Gabumon and Dokunemon... All of them tried leaving the room, only to be immediately faced with an Argomon that was about to attack...
"FREEZING WAVE!!" But luckily, Quetzalmon popped up and quickly knocked the Argomon out.
"Oh crap... What the hell is going on?!" Blaire asked.
"Venusmon's spell must have finally worn off..." Quetzalmon sighed, turning around and pointing his tail to a nearby room. "There's the door to the bunker room... We should all hide in there!"
"No, I-I can't! I gotta help out the others..." Blaire says, turning to everyone else. "You all should go in there..."
"Wait, seriously? Are you sure you can handle all of this alone?" Blaine asked.
"Yes, I can!! Besides, you two need to save the last of your powers! And find a way to get these four to evolve, too..." Blaire says, practically pushing everyone towards the bunker door. "Just hurry, please! We'll call you if we really need your help! You go in there too, Quetzalmon!"
Everyone else ran into the bunker room, Blaire quickly shutting the door and locking it. Blaire and Dorumon quickly dashed down the hallways, where they quickly found Serena and Regalecusmon. Regalecusmon was surrounded by a ton of Argomons, slowly started to get overpowered...
"METAL METEOR!!" But luckily DoruGreymon landed a powerful hit, taking out a couple of Argomons.
"Whoa! Man, am I glad to see you two..." Serena says, looking back at Blaire with a smile.
"Yeah, but... I don't know if this is good enough..." Blaire sighed. There was still so many Argomons, a bunch of them pinning Regalecusmon and DoruGreymon to the wall, rendering the two unable to move...
When suddenly, four powerful attacks burst forth from behind Serena and Blaire... Bacchusmon, Vulcanusmon, Ceresmon, and Jupitermon, all attacked the Argomons pinning down Regalecusmon...
And Neptunemon, Marsmon, and Minervamon attacked the Argomons pinning DoruGreymon.
"Hey! Are y'all having this party without us?!" Bacchusmon cackled jokingly.
"Bacchusmon, can't you take this more seriously?" Neptunemon huffed with a sigh. "Are you all alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, thanks to you all..." Blaire says, smiling up at everyone with relief. "Thank you."
"Don't thank us yet. Looks like this is just the beginning..." Ceresmon says, pointing his snout to more Argomons that were slowly creeping down the hallway towards everyone.
"We can't give up, everyone... Let's keep fighting until the very end!" Vulcanusmon confidently shouts.
"YEAH! Let's kick some Argomon ass, everyone!" Serena shouts, also full of confidence.
"HELL YEAH!! I love your spirit, human!" Minervamon says, smiling as she holds her sword up. "LET'S DO THIS!!"

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