Infection take over || Act 5: Chapter 27

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Serena and Regalecusmon quickly swam over to Neptunemon's castle, Regalecusmon still holding onto the weakened Submarimon.
"NEPTUNEMON!! COME ON OUT!!" Regalecusmon screamed. Immediately within seconds, Neptunemon came rushing out of his castle, fiercely glaring at Regalecusmon.
"Urgh, you again? Did you not learn your lesson last time?!" Neptunemon angrily grumbled, pointing his trident at Regalecusmon...
"BRIONA STRIKE!!" Regalecusmon quickly deflected Neptunemon's attack with his own.
"I'm NOT here to fight you, Neptunemon!" Regalecusmon defensively snapped.
"What kind of a fool do you think I am?! I see no other reason you would come here, Regalecusmon." Neptunemon sternly replied.
"I know you're not gonna believe me, but we're here to help you!" Regalecusmon says. "There's a horrible Argomon infection on the land of the Digital World that's threatening to destroy both worlds... And Mademon wants you and all the other Olympus Twelve to return back to his castle right now!"
"What...? Why would Mademon side with a Digimon like you?" Neptunemon growled, glaring as he pointed his trident at Regalecusmon once more. "Give me one good reason I should believe you."
"Because I am done with my past life, Neptunemon." Regalecusmon replied. "I've realized now that I don't need it anymore now that I have Serena. This... This isn't me anymore."
Regalecusmon set Submarimon down, as he reverted back to Gizamon.
"This... This is me now. I don't wanna fight you anymore, Neptunemon. I just... I wanna be Gizamon now. Serena's partner."
Neptunemon lowered his trident, looking surprised as he let out a breath of relief.
"Alright... I never would have expected this from you, Rega... Er, Gizamon." Neptunemon says. "Alright, I'll... I'll give you a chance."
"Thanks so much, Neptunemon..." Serena says, Neptunemon nodding in response.
"Of course. Now... Let's head back to the castle."

Sometime later...
Serena, Gizamon, and Neptunemon arrived back at the castle, promptly running into Quetzalmon once they walked inside the building.
"Hey, glad to see you all again..." Quetzalmon greeted the three, looking up at Neptunemon. "Neptunemon, it's been a while... How have you been?"
"I've been better, but... It's nice to be back here again." Neptunemon replied, looking around the castle halls. "Although it's a bit... Haunting, to see this place looking so empty."
"Yes, but hopefully things will go back to normal after the Argomons are rid of..." Quetzalmon replied, pointing his snout to one of the hallways. "The others are down there."
"Alright, thanks Quetzalmon." Neptunemon says, Quetzalmon floating away.
"I'm gonna go catch up with the other Olympus Twelve." Neptunemon says to Serena and Gizamon.
"Cool, we're gonna go see if you friends are here too. Later!" Serena waved goodbye, the two and Neptunemon walking off into different directions. Serena and Gizamon entered the bedrooms. Inside the room, Blaire and Dorumon, and Jeremy and Gammamon were there, alongside Mademon.
"Hey, y'all! Guess who just brought Neptunemon back?" Serena confidently announced, everyone turning to her.
"Ooh, goody! I can't wait to talk to him again..." Mademon excitedly says, clapping his hands together. "We're so close to having everyone back here now..."
"Ooh, really? How many Olympus Twelve members do we need then?" Serena asks, sitting down on her bed. "I need to catch up a bit."
"Well, I just returned back with Marsmon and Jupitermon." Blaire states.
"And I just called Ross, and he's gonna bring back Coronamon and Lunamon." Jeremy states. "Who are both actually Apollomon and Dianamon... I'm just waiting for them to show."
"Whoa, really? That's cool." Serena says.
"Hey Mademon... Is Ceresmon here too?" Gizamon asks.
"Yup! He arrived here earlier..." Mademon replied.
"Whoa, you managed to find Ceresmon while we were separated? Good job on that one, buddy." Serena smiled.
"Aw, it was nothing. Actually, he was the one that found me, more like..." Gizamon chuckled shyly.
"Yup, everything's coming together pretty nicely!" Mademon proudly says. "All we need is Minervamon back, then we can finally start putting our plans into full motion!"
Knock! Knock!! Everyone suddenly heard a knock on the front door, Mademon's ears perking up. "Ooh! That must be them!"
Mademon ran out of the room for a moment, before walking back in.
"New guests have arrived, everyone!" Mademon announces.
"WOO!!" Coronamon suddenly dashed into the room, excitedly jumping up and down. "Back in the Digital World! YEAH!!"
"Yeesh Coronamon, could you not be so loud for once?" Lunamon also walked into the room, with a more quieter tone. "We're not exactly back for good reasons."
Shortly after, Ross walked into the room as well, alongside his partner FanBeemon.
"Ross, hey! I'm so glad you're here." Jeremy says, smiling at Ross.
"Yeah, I'm just glad I can help out in any way." Ross says, waving back at him. "Actually, I brought a couple others with me as well..."
Then, four others walked into the room as well... Blaine and Ryudamon, and Erik and Labramon.
"Blaine! Erik!" Blaire quickly hopped off her bed, running up to the two as she and Blaine hugged.
"Blaire! Hey, are you alright? We've all been worried sick since you disappeared." Blaine says, the two letting go of the hug.
"Yeah, I've been fine. You guys don't have to worry about me." Blaire replied, with a reassuring smile.
"Oh, thank goodness. Ross told us a bit about the Argomons, and I've been so worried about all of you!" Erik says. "We both wanted to come here, and see if we can help out in any way."
"That's good. Having more help definitely doesn't hurt." Jeremy says, smiling at them.
"Well, I only really told them what I know..." Ross says. "I only know a bit about the Argomons... What's exactly going on here, anyway?"
"Well, long story short, these Argomons came from this lab. They've been slowly taking over the Digital World, and we need all the Olympus Twelve members together at this castle to stop the Argomons once and for all." Jeremy states.
"Alright, got it." Ross nodded. "I know who the Olympus Twelve members are, although it surprised me to find out that Coronamon and Lunamon were two of these members."
"So, we just need to wait until Mila comes back with Minervamon then? Sounds easy enough." Serena says.
"Well yes, and no..." Mademon says. "I haven't had the chance to tell you all yet, but the thing is... Four of the Olympus Twelve still aren't in their mega forms yet. Junomon and Merukimon just hatched from their eggs, but they're still babies. And on top of that, we still need to get Coronamon and Lunamon back to their mega forms as well."
"Makes sense. Digivolution can be a very slow process for most Digimon." Ross states. "Hey, who's Mila?"
"Another Digidestined. We met her once we all arrived here." Jeremy replies.
"I hope her and Meicoomon are alright out there..." Mademon worriedly sighed. "Quetzalmon told me that Meicoomon was infected. And on top of that, the Argomon infection keeps getting worse by the day..."
Everyone gasped, all exchanging worried looks.
"Huh? Meicoomon's infected?!" Serena says in shock. "Why are you only telling us this now?"
"Yeah, how long has she been infected for?" Blaire asks.
"For a while now... But hey, me and Quetzalmon only found out recently!" Mademon says. "Meicoomon was even hiding it from Mila..."
"...This isn't good. If her partner is infected by an Argomon, that means Mila is in serious danger right now." Ross says sternly. "We need to go and find her. Now!"
"Don't you have a way to track people's locations with their Digivices?" Erik asked.
"Yeah, my Digivice has a tracker I built into it..." Ross says, pulling out his Digivice and pressing a few buttons on it. "Just... Need to... Ah! I've found it."
"Can I come with you? I wanna make sure she's alright." Jeremy asks, him and Gammamon hopping off the bed.
"Yeah, I wanna come with too." Blaire says.
"Count me in too!" Serena also adds.
"We might as well come with too." Blaine says, looking over at Erik who nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, as long as we're all careful." Ross says.
"Good luck out there, everyone!" Mademon says, waving goodbye as everyone ran out the door.

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