Gizamon's secret || Act 5: Chapter 23

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Mila and Meicoomon had to take almost an entire day just to travel to one of their destinations. A big mountain area that had a volcano at the top of it... Which was where one of the Olympus Twelve, Vulcanusmon, was at.
"Geez... I am so exhausted..." Mila huffed, taking a deep breath as she looked up at the volcano higher up on the mountain. "It's hot here too... And it's only gonna get worse the closer we get to the... Um, Meicoomon...? Are you alright?" Mila looked over at her partner, who looked even more tired out than she did. Meicoomon was resting against a rock, breathing heavily as she clutched her arm, which still hurt.
"Meicoomon, what's wrong? Are you tired?" Mila asked, sitting on the ground next to her.
"Y-yeah, I just... My arm still hurts is all." Meicoomon says.
"Really? I'm surprised it hasn't gotten better yet..." Mila says. "You wanna go back to the castle? See if anyone there can help your arm out?"
"N-no, not now. I'm sure it'll get better soon." Meicoomon says. "Besides, it'll be a waste of time if we just hiked all the way out here just to head back immediately. We still need to find Vulcanusmon."
"Ok... But let's just rest here for a few minutes." Mila says. "I'm pretty exhausted too... And don't worry, if your arms still hurting after we find Vulcanusmon, then we can go back to the castle and ask for help!"
"Yeah... Alright."

After leaving the laboratory after helping Ceresmon escape, Serena and Gizamon had spent forever looking around the mainlands, trying to find any sight of the big Digimon... But sadly, didn't see a single sign of him.
"Ugh, this is ridiculous." Serena huffed, throwing her hands up in frustration as she sat down on the grass. "We've been searching for an entire freaking day and we still haven't found him! Screw this, we should just go and look for Neptunemon instead.
"NO!! W-we can't!" Gizamon suddenly screeched out. "D-don't you think we should spent, atleast... A little more time looking for Ceresmon?"
"...Gizamon, are you serious right now?" Serena responded with an annoyed tone. "We've been looking for so long already... I feel like we're just wasting time at this point! I just wanna bring a note back to the castle about what happened. That way, everyone else can also help look for Ceresmon... Who knows where he could be right now! It'd be way easier if all of us were keeping an eye out for him. Besides, we'll end up going by the castle anyways when we have to go to the ocean."
"Yeah, but... Ceresmon is still... Out there. Who knows if he could get hurt by some... Argomons or something." Gizamon awkwardly mumbled in response.
"Gizamon, why are you avoiding seeing Neptunemon?" Serena asked.
"...Whaaaat?! I-I'm not avoiding Neptunemon at all!" Gizamon asked, his voice going high pitched as his eyes darted around nervously. "Whatever makes you think that?"
"Dude come on, it's so obvious. Every time I bring him up, you just keep changing the subject." Serena says. "Come on, Gizamon. Can you tell me what's going on here? Just tell me the truth. I just wanna know why."
Gizamon's face changed to an expression of nervousness, his eyes looking away as he took a deep breath.
"Ok, well. The truth is..." Gizamon says. "I... I know Neptunemon."
"Really? I guess I kind've figured that." Serena causally responded. "I'm guessing you're not on good terms with him?"
"Yeah, I can't stand him! It's kind've a long story..." Gizamon states. "You see, before I met you, I used to be a power ruler in the ocean... Back when I was in my mega form."
"Whoa, for real?" Serena's eyes widened with shock.
"Yup! I was super strong. I had many other Digimon who served and looked up to me... But Neptunemon... Urgh, freaking Neptunemon! That guy is a massive jerk... We had a ferocious battle, where I ended up losing... Which caused me to revert to this form. Shortly after that fight, I ended up in your world, where I met you."
"Wow... I never would have expected all that from you." Serena says, still looking surprised. Serena pulled out some of the Neptunemon notes from her pocket, reading a few of them in her head. "This is weird..."
"What's weird?" Gizamon asked.
"It's just that... These notes. These notes say that Neptunemon is a noble and greatly respected ruler of the seas." Serena says. "He sounds completely different from the way you described him."
"...Do you not believe me or something, Serena?" Gizamon asked, cocking his head with an almost worried look.
"No, it just seems weird is all..." Serena says, still looking down at the notes for a moment. She then eventually put them back in her pocket, letting out a deep breath as she stood back up. "We'll, regardless of how you feel about him, you're gonna have to put your differences aside for now if we're gonna help Neptunemon... Got that, little buddy?"
"Yeah, I know you're right..." Gizamon says, still looking a little nervous but nodding in agreement regardless. "I'll be fine. Besides, he probably won't recognize me in this form anyways."
"Good. Then let's go find him." Serena says, as the two start walking again.
"Hey, Serena? Can I ask you something?" Gizamon says.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Yesterday, when those Oleamon's sprayed you with their mist... What did you see? You know, when you got knocked out?" Gizamon asked. "I know you mentioned your mother when you first got hit by the mist..."
"Yeah, well... I did end up seeing my mother." Serena says, letting out a saddened sigh. "And it made me realize something that I can't believe I didn't even think about until now... Right now, my mom has no idea where I am. I've been gone for almost a week now, I'm sure she's worried sick about me. I know what I have to do now when I get back home... I have to apologize to her. For making her worry this much... About everything else I've made her worry about all my life as well." Serena paused, taking a deep breath. "Especially with everything she's done for me. The possibility of never seeing her again without being able to tell her that hurts too much to even think about."
"Yeah, I get what you mean." Gizamon says. "But don't worry... I'll make sure you get back to your mother safely."
"Thanks, Gizamon... It means a lot to me. Really."

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