Camping date • Scarlett Johansson

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Paring: Scarlett Johansson x reader (female)
warnings: none
Summary: y/n prepared a date night in the living room with a tent and sounds of nature for her girlfriend Scarlett 

Scarlett Johansson had been wanting to go camping for a long time, but her busy filming schedule never allowed her to do so. So, her girlfriend y/n decided to bring the camping experience to their living room.
As Scarlett returned home from her shoot, she was surprised to see a tent set up in the middle of their living room. The TV was playing a video of a campfire, and y/n was busy arranging some of Scarlett's favorite snacks on a small table beside the tent.
"Y/n, what's all this?" Scarlett asked, still in shock.
"Well, I know you've been wanting to go camping for a while, but your work schedule never allows it. So, I thought we could have a camping date night right here in our living room," y/n replied with a smile.
Scarlett's face lit up with joy. "Oh my god, this is amazing! I can't believe you did all this for me."
Y/n had also made Scarlett's favorite buffalo chicken wings and banana chocolate chip cookies for their date night. As they settled into the tent, y/n passed the snacks to Scarlett, who couldn't stop grinning.
"This is perfect," Scarlett said, taking a bite of the chicken wing. "You know me so well."
Y/n smiled and leaned in to kiss Scarlett. "I'm glad you like it. I just want to make you happy."
Scarlett pulled y/n closer and wrapped her arms around her. "You always make me happy. I love you so much."
They spent the rest of the evening cuddled up in the tent, talking about everything and anything. The TV played soothing sounds of nature, and they felt as if they were truly camping in the middle of a forest.
As the night wore on, Scarlett changed into more comfortable clothes and y/n did the same. They snuggled under a blanket and watched a movie on the laptop while the tv was still showing a campfire and playing sounds of nature.
In that moment, Scarlett felt incredibly loved and cherished. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have y/n in her life. And as they fell asleep in the tent, listening to the gentle sounds of nature, Scarlett knew that this would be a camping experience she would never forget

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