The Power of Love • Lena Luthor

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Request by: Kailyn1502

Paring: Y/N (female) x Lena


Warnings: none (i think)

Y/N woke up to an empty bed and sighed, knowing that Lena had to leave early for work.As she got up she saw a little note her wife left for her before she went for work.

Good morning, my love!

Just a little note to remind you how much I adore and love you. I hope your day is as amazing as you are. I'll be thinking of you all day, and can't wait to come home to your sweet smile. Love you to the moon and back.

- Lena <3

After reading that Y/N had a huge smile on her face. She decided to make some breakfast and tried to find something to do to occupy her time. She tried to do something for work and talked to the twins in her belly. As the hours passed, she found herself getting more and more restless. She missed Lena and wanted to see her, even if it was just for a few minutes.

She decided to drive to Lena's workplace and surprise her and bring her some lunch. She arrived at the building and parked her car. Y/N was excited to see her wife, but her mood quickly changed when she was stopped by the guard at the entrance.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Do you have an appointment?" the guard asked.

"No, I don't," Y/N replied.

"I can't let you in without an appointment," the guard said firmly.

Y/N's heart sank. She was so disappointed. She just wanted to see Lena for a moment, to feel her presence and hear her voice. She felt tears prick at her eyes and she tried to hold them back.

"Please, I just want to see my wife," Y/N pleaded her mood changed and tears formed in her eyes.

"Anyone can say that, I can't make any exceptions," the guard said, grabbing Y/N's arm and trying to pull her away.

Y/N winced at the guard's tight grip on her arm. She was getting more and more upset and frustrated by the minute. She was about to call Lena when she saw her wife approaching the gate.

Lena saw Y/N's tear-streaked face and immediately rushed over to her. "What's wrong, my love?" Lena asked, pulling Y/N into a tight embrace.

Y/N buried her face in Lena's shoulder and cried. "I just wanted to see you," Y/N sobbed.

Lena rubbed Y/N's back soothingly. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here now. What happened?" Lena asked, looking at the guard with a furrowed brow.

"This guard wouldn't let me in because I didn't have an appointment," Y/N explained, wiping her tears.

Lena's eyes narrowed in anger. "What the hell did you do to make my wife crying?" Lena demanded.

The guard looked taken aback. "I didn't know she was your wife. I was just doing my job," he stammered.

"Well, your job clearly needs some improvement," Lena retorted, her tone sharp.

Lena still had Y/N in her arms who now stopped crying enjoying the embrace of her wife. Lena kissed her wife and then bend down to kiss her belly and whispering "Mama's here, babies. Everything is okay."

She took Y/N's hand and led her to the car. "Let's go get lunch and and after that we are going to get our road trip started and enjoy our vacation," Lena said, pressing a soft kiss to Y/N's forehead.

Y/N smiled through her tears, feeling grateful for Lena's comforting presence. They got into the car and drove off, with Lena chatting away about their plans for their vacation.

Y/N felt her heart fill with love for her wife and their unborn children. She knew that no matter what obstacles they faced, as long as they were together, they could get through anything.

-Im sorry it is so short hope you still enjoyed i- :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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