The Studio Session • Billie Eilish

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Paring: Billie Eilish x reader (female)
Summary: y/n is a
music producer who has been working with Billie Eilish on her latest album. As they spend long hours in the studio together, their professional relationship turn into a longing relationship

Y/n had always admired Billie Eilish's music, but never in her wildest dreams did she think she would be producing her latest album. It was an opportunity of a lifetime, and Y/n was determined to make the most of it.
From the first day they met, Y/n and Billie hit it off. They had an instant connection, and it was clear that they worked well together. They spent long hours in the studio, tweaking melodies and adding layers to the songs.
As they worked, Y/n found herself drawn to Billie in a way she couldn't explain. She admired her talent and creative vision, but there was something about her that made Y/n feel alive.
One night, they were both working late, and Y/n couldn't help but stare at Billie as she sang. Her voice was like a lullaby, and Y/n found herself lost in it. Suddenly, Billie stopped singing and turned to Y/n.
"Is everything okay?" she asked.
Y/n felt her face flush. "Yeah, sorry. I was just lost in the music."
Billie smiled. "It's okay. I get lost in it too."
That was the moment when Y/n realized that she was falling for Billie. She tried to push her feelings aside and focus on the music, but it was becoming more and more difficult.
As they spent more time together, Y/n found herself thinking about Billie all the time. She couldn't concentrate on anything else, and it was starting to affect her work.
One day, Y/n decided to tell Billie how she felt. She took a deep breath and said, "I know this might be unexpected, but I have feelings for you."
Billie looked surprised, but she didn't seem to be put off by Y/n's confession. "I had a feeling you might feel that way," she said softly.
From that moment on, their relationship changed. They started to spend more time together outside of the studio, going on dates and exploring the city. It was like a dream come true for Y/n.
But as their relationship deepened, Y/n started to worry about how it would affect their work. She didn't want their personal feelings to get in the way of creating great music. So, they made a pact to keep their professional and personal lives separate.
It was a difficult decision, but it was for the best. They continued to work together on the album, and Y/n was able to bring out the best in Billie's music without letting their emotions get in the way.
As the album neared completion, Y/n realized that she didn't want to let go of what she and Billie had. She wanted more, and she knew that Billie felt the same way.
One day, Y/n took a deep breath and asked Billie, "What are we?"
Billie looked at her for a moment before taking her hand. "I want to be with you," she said softly. "But we have to be careful. Our music is too important to let our feelings get in the way."
Y/n nodded. She knew that Billie was right, but it didn't stop her heart from soaring.
They continued to work together, but now there was an added tension between them. They longed for each other, but they knew that they had to be patient.
Finally, the album was complete, and it was time for Y/n and Billie to part ways. It was bittersweet, but they both knew that they had created something special together.
As they said their goodbyes, Y/n took Billie's hand and looked into her eyes. "I love you," she whispered.
Billie smiled. "I love you too," she replied.
With that, they shared a passionate kiss, sealing their feelings for each other.
In the months that followed, Y/n and Billie continued to see each other. They were careful to keep their relationship out of the public eye, but they couldn't hide their love for each other.
Their music continued to be a driving force in their lives, and they found that their love only fueled their creativity. They collaborated on new projects, and their passion for music and for each other only grew stronger.
Despite the challenges they faced as a couple in the music industry, Y/n and Billie continued to support each other, always striving for greatness in both their personal and professional lives.
Years later, as they looked back on their journey together, Y/n and Billie knew that their love was what made it all possible. The studio session that brought them together was the start of a beautiful and lasting love story.

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