Spa Day • Scarlett Johansson

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Paring: Scarlett Johansson x reader

Warnings: none

Summary: You and your girlfriend Scarlett take a relaxing spa day together, indulging in massages, facials, and quality time with each other.

It had been a stressful month, and you and your girlfriend Scarlett Johansson had been planning a spa day for weeks. As soon as you arrived at the luxurious spa, you felt all your tension start to melt away.

Scarlett wrapped her arm around your waist as you made your way to the reception desk, and you couldn't help but smile at the feeling of her warm touch. You both checked in and were shown to a private room where you could relax and get ready for your treatments.

As you changed into your spa robes, Scarlett poured glasses of sparkling water and offered you some healthy snacks. You both sat together, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and each other's company.

Soon it was time for your first treatment, and you both headed to the massage room. As you lay down on the comfortable massage tables, you could feel your muscles already starting to relax in anticipation.

The massage therapists started their magic, and you could feel yourself drifting off into a state of pure bliss. Scarlett's soft sighs of contentment next to you only added to the relaxation.

After the massages, you both headed to the facial room. As you lay back and let the aesthetician work their magic, you could feel your skin being pampered and rejuvenated.

Scarlett leaned over and whispered in your ear, "You look even more beautiful with every passing moment."

You blushed at her words, feeling grateful for the love and support she showed you every day. As the facial ended, you both gazed at each other's glowing faces, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

After the facials, you both headed to the relaxation room, where you sipped on herbal tea and chatted about your lives. You talked about your upcoming projects, your families, and your hopes and dreams for the future.

The peaceful and relaxing atmosphere of the spa, combined with the quality time with Scarlett, made you feel like you could stay there forever. You both enjoyed the silence and tranquility of the room, taking in the soft music and the gentle trickling of the fountain.

As the day came to a close, you both emerged from the spa feeling like new people. The stress and worries of the month seemed like a distant memory, and you both felt grateful for the opportunity to indulge in self-care and quality time with each other.

As you both walked out of the spa, Scarlett linked her arm with yours, and you both walked away feeling grateful for each other's love and support. You knew that no matter what the future held, you would always have each other's backs and would always make time for indulgent, relaxing spa days like this one.

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