The Co-Star • Elizabeth Olsen

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Paring: Lizzie x reader (female)
Warnings: none (just that it I again extreme short)
Summary: y/n and Elizabeth
are co-stars in a movie and have been
developing feelings for each other throughout the filming process. As they prepare for their final scene together, will they finally confess their love?

Y/n had been trying to ignore the growing feelings she had for Elizabeth throughout the filming process. It wasn't easy, considering they had to spend so much time together on set. But every time Elizabeth would laugh, or touch her arm, or lean in a little too close during a scene, y/n's heart would race.

As they prepared for their final scene together, y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over her. This would be the last time they would act together, the last time they would share a moment like this. She tried to shake the feeling off, but when Elizabeth caught her eye across the set, y/n felt her heart leap into her throat.

They began to film the scene, a romantic moment between their characters, and y/n tried her best to focus on the task at hand. But as they gazed into each other's eyes, the chemistry between them was undeniable. When the director yelled "cut," y/n found herself unable to move. And so did Lizzie.

Elizabeth looked over at her, concern etched on her face. "Hey, are you okay?"

Y/n could feel her cheeks burning and feel herself embarrassed. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just...I don't know."

Without realising it y/n just ran away trying to hide her emotions. But lizzie ran after her. As soon as y/n was outside Lizzie was able to get her hand on y/n waist and turn her around still concerned about y/n

Elizabeth stepped closer, her eyes searching y/n's face. "What's wrong? Talk to me."

"I just..." y/n trailed off, unable to articulate what she was feeling.

Elizabeth reached out and gently took y/n's hand in hers. "Whatever it is, you can tell me."

Being scared it will ruin their friendship and y/n would loose lizzie the most important person in her life the person she's been falling for and the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with y/n didn't know if she should say it.

Lizzie looked at her beging concerned about her friend, the person she loves more than just a friend and the person who's always there for her.

Still y/n didn't say anything so Lizzie added, " whatever it is, I'm here for you okay ? And it will never ever change the way I think about you, because... " but y/n didn't let her finish to scared of what she was going to say so she took a deep breath. "I think...I think I'm falling for you."

Elizabeth's face broke into a smile. "Really?"

Y/n nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her now that she had finally admitted it, but was still so scared because Lizzie didn't say anything.

Lizzie couldn't believe it and was so happy at that moment that she had to get herself together to say something.
Elizabeth stepped even closer, her hand moving up to cup y/n's cheek. "Good," she said softly. "Because I'm falling for you too."

Y/n's heart skipped a beat as Elizabeth leaned in and pressed her lips to hers. It was soft at first, tentative, but as the rain began to pour down around them, the kiss deepened, filled with so much love and longing.

When they finally pulled away, y/n couldn't help but laugh. "Wow," she said breathlessly. "That was...unexpected."

Elizabeth grinned. "Yeah, it was. But sometimes unexpected things are the best things."

Y/n nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of joy and contentment she had never felt before. She knew that this was just the beginning of something amazing, something she could never have imagined would happen when she first signed on to be Elizabeth's co-star. But now, as they stood there in the rain, their lips still tingling from their kiss, she knew that anything was possible.

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