Night Out with My Bestie • Ariana Grande

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Paring: Ariana Grande x reader

Warnings: none

Summary: You and your best friend Ariana have a fun night out on the town, trying out new restaurants and bars, and dancing the night away.

As soon as you heard that your best friend Ariana Grande was in town, you knew you had to plan a fun night out together. You had missed her so much since she had moved to LA to pursue her music career, and you couldn't wait to catch up and have some much-needed girl time.

You picked her up at her hotel and she greeted you with a huge hug and her signature smile. She looked stunning, as always, in a black crop top and high-waisted jeans that hugged her curves perfectly. You couldn't help but admire her beauty.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Ariana asked as you drove towards the city center.

"I was thinking we could try out some new restaurants and bars, maybe even hit up a club later?" you suggested, excitedly.

"Sounds like a plan, I trust your taste," she said with a smirk.

The first stop was a trendy sushi place that you had been wanting to try for months. You both ordered a few different rolls to share and caught up on each other's lives. You talked about your job, your family, and your love life, and she told you all about her latest projects and performances.

After dinner, you walked around the city center, checking out some new shops and boutiques. Ariana loved fashion, and she couldn't resist trying on some new clothes and accessories.

As the night went on, you tried out a few different bars and lounges, sipping on cocktails and enjoying the music. The last stop was a popular club, where you both danced the night away. You felt free and alive, and it was clear that Ariana did too.

As the night came to an end and you dropped Ariana off at her hotel, you couldn't help but feel grateful for such an amazing night. You had so much fun with your best friend and felt closer than ever. You hugged her tightly and promised to plan another fun night out soon.

"Thank you for tonight, I had so much fun," Ariana said, smiling.

"Anytime, girl, you know I love hanging out with you," you replied, grinning from ear to ear.

As you drove back home, you couldn't stop replaying the memories in your head. You were grateful for the amazing night, but even more grateful for the incredible person that Ariana was. She had always been there for you, through thick and thin, and you knew that your friendship would last a lifetime.

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