First steps • Lizzie Olsen

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Paring: Lizzie Olsen x reader (female)

Summary: Lizzie and Y/N are married and have a son. It was a beautiful day and they spend it in their backyard while playing with their son.

Lizzie and Y/N had been married for several years and were blessed with a beautiful son. They spent most of their weekends playing with him, taking him to the park, and making beautiful memories together. This Saturday was no different, as they spent the day playing with their son in the backyard.

The sun was shining bright, and the cool breeze made it a perfect day to be outside. Y/N had her phone out, recording their son as he played with his toys. She loved capturing these moments and watching them later, reliving the memories. Lizzie was watching their son, smiling and laughing as he played.

Suddenly, their son stood up and began to walk towards Lizzie. Both Lizzie and Y/N were taken aback, not expecting their son to walk just yet. Y/N quickly switched the camera on to record this beautiful moment.

Lizzie knelt down, her arms wide open, waiting for her son to come to her. He took a few wobbly steps, a smile spread across his face, and he fell into Lizzie's arms. She scooped him up, hugging him tightly.

"Did you see that? He walked!" Lizzie exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride.

"I got it all on camera," Y/N said, grinning widely. "This is going to be such a precious memory."

Their son giggled, his chubby arms wrapped around Lizzie's neck. "Again!" he said, bouncing up and down.

Lizzie set him down on the grass, and he took a few more steps towards Y/N this time. Y/N knelt down, holding out her arms, and their son walked straight into them.

"You're amazing!" Y/N said, giving him a big hug. "I'm so proud of you!"

Their son looked up at Y/N and smiled. "Mama!" he said, pointing at her.

Lizzie laughed. "Yes, I'm Mama, and that's Mommy," she said, pointing at Y/N.

Their son giggled again, and Lizzie and Y/N both smiled at each other. They were so happy to see their son walking for the first time. It was a moment they would never forget.

As the day went on, their son continued to practice walking, taking more and more steps each time. Lizzie and Y/N cheered him on, watching with pride as he became more confident in his new skill.

That evening, as they were tucking their son into bed, Lizzie and Y/N talked about the amazing day they had spent together.

"I can't believe he's walking already," Lizzie said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I know, it's incredible," Y/N said, her eyes sparkling. "But I'm not surprised. Our son is amazing."

Lizzie smiled. "Yes, he is. And we're so lucky to be his parents."

Y/N leaned over and kissed Lizzie's forehead. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," Lizzie replied, snuggling closer to Y/N.

As they drifted off to sleep, they both knew that their lives would never be the same again. They had a beautiful son who was growing up right before their eyes, and they were so grateful for every moment they had with him.

As their son continued to practice walking, Lizzie and Y/N were amazed by how quickly he was progressing. He would take a few steps, stumble, and then get back up again to try again. They were both so proud of him, and they encouraged him with each attempt.

"Come on, buddy, you can do it!" Y/N would say, holding out her arms.

"Almost there, keep going!" Lizzie would say, clapping her hands.

Their son would smile at them, determined to keep going. He loved the attention and the praise, and he was enjoying the feeling of independence that came with being able to walk.

As the afternoon wore on, Lizzie and Y/N decided to take a break and have a picnic in the backyard. They spread out a blanket, and Lizzie unpacked some sandwiches and fruit.

Their son sat between them, his chubby fingers reaching for the food. They watched him carefully, making sure he didn't choke on anything.

"Remember when we used to come out here just the two of us?" Y/N said, looking at Lizzie.

Lizzie nodded, smiling. "Those were the days, huh?"

"I wouldn't trade this for anything, though," Y/N said, looking down at their son. "He's the best thing that's ever happened to us."

Lizzie agreed. "Absolutely. I can't imagine life without him now."

As they finished their picnic, their son began to get sleepy. Lizzie and Y/N took him inside and put him down for a nap.

They sat down on the couch, watching TV and enjoying the quiet. Lizzie leaned her head on Y/N's shoulder, and Y/N put her arm around Lizzie's waist.

"I love days like this," Lizzie said, sighing contentedly.

"Me too," Y/N said, kissing Lizzie's forehead. "I wish we could have more of them."

Lizzie smiled. "We will. We just have to make time for them."

Y/N nodded, pulling Lizzie closer. "You're right. We'll make it happen."

As their son woke up from his nap, they went back outside to play. He was still practicing walking, and they were both amazed at how much progress he had made in just a few hours.

"He's going to be running before we know it," Y/N said, laughing.

Lizzie nodded. "And then we'll really have our hands full."

As the sun began to set, they decided to end the day with a family dinner. Lizzie made spaghetti, and they all sat around the table, enjoying the food and each other's company.

After dinner, they took a walk around the neighborhood, holding hands and talking about their hopes and dreams for the future.

"I want to take him to the beach this summer," Y/N said, looking at their son, who was asleep in his stroller.

Lizzie smiled. "That sounds perfect. I can't wait."

They walked back to their house, feeling grateful for the beautiful day they had spent together. As they put their son to bed, they both felt a sense of pride and joy at watching him grow and learn new things.

"I love you," Lizzie and Y/N said, kissing their sons cheek.

As they closed the door to their son's and their room, they both knew that this day would be one they would always remember. A day full of love, laughter, and new beginnings.

They went into the living room and decided to cuddle on the sofa while watching (your/favorite/movie/series). Lizzie was laying on top of Y/N while both held each other tight and looked at the screen enjoying their time together. There weren't many evenings they could spend like this.

After about two hours Lizzie and Y/N decided tog o to bed as well even if it was a bit early they were both tired.

Lizzie was already finished with her night routine and was laying in bed reading a bit of her new book when Y/n came out of the bathroom walking over to their bed and snuggled into Lizzies side. Lizzie put her arm around her wife and giving her kiss on the head and continued reading.

Just when Lizzie finished the chapter she noticed that her wife was already asleep in her arms. She put her book on the nightstand and turned to turn the light off. As soon as she done that Y/N was slightly awake again. "sshhh its okay I just wanted to lay a bit more comfortable" She said and changed her position. She opens her arms again for Y/N and she quickly got into Lizzies arms again holding her tight. "Good night my love" she said giving Lizzie a kiss. "good night baby i love you" Lizzie answered smiling while drifting to sleep but before she was asleep she heard a silent "I love you too" and both fell asleep immediately

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