The Interview Part • Scarlett Johnasson

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Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Reader (female)
Warnings: Mentions of sexism
Word Count: 1,742
Summary: Scarlett and Y/N are being interviewed together, but the interviewer is sexist and Y/N defends her girlfriend. Other cast members step in to defend them, and the interview is cancelled.

Scarlett Johansson and Y/N sat side by side on the couch, their hands clasped tightly together. They were being interviewed by a popular talk show host, and Scarlett could feel her anxiety starting to rise.
The host, a middle-aged man with a smarmy smile, seemed more interested in flirting with Scarlett than asking her about her upcoming projects.
"So, Scarlett," he began, his voice oozing with false charm. "I heard that you're currently single. Is that true?"
Scarlett bristled at the question, feeling her cheeks flush with anger. "I don't think my relationship status is any of your business," she replied, her tone cool.
The host chuckled, as though he found her response amusing. "Come on, Scarlett, you're one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. You have to be dating someone, right?"
Y/N could feel her blood boiling at the host's sexist remarks. She reached over and took Scarlett's hand, squeezing it tightly. "Actually, Scarlett and I are in a relationship," she said, her voice firm. "And it's not okay for you to make assumptions about her personal life."
The host's eyes flicked over to Y/N, as though he had only just remembered that she was there. "Oh, I see," he said, his tone condescending. "Well, I guess that's not surprising. You two make a very attractive couple."
Y/N could feel her anger starting to rise, but before she could say anything, Scarlett spoke up. "That's enough," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "We're here to talk about our work, not our personal lives. If you can't respect that, then maybe we should end this interview right now."
The host seemed taken aback by Scarlett's sudden shift in tone, but he quickly recovered. "Of course, of course," he said, waving a hand dismissively. "Let's move on to your upcoming projects..."
But the tension in the room was palpable, and it was clear that Scarlett and Y/N were both uncomfortable. As the host continued to ask them invasive questions, other members of the Avengers cast started to step in.
Robert Downey Jr. cleared his throat loudly. "Excuse me," he said, his tone cutting through the tension. "I think it's time we put an end to this interview. It's clear that you're not respecting our boundaries or our professionalism, and we're not going to tolerate that."
Chris Evans nodded in agreement. "Scarlett and Y/N are both talented actresses, and they deserve to be treated with respect," he said, his voice firm.
The host seemed taken aback by the sudden backlash, but he tried to play it off. "Come on, guys, I'm just trying to have a little fun," he said, his tone wheedling.
But Mark Ruffalo wasn't having it. "Sexism isn't funny," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "And we're not going to sit here and let you make our friends and colleagues uncomfortable."
The rest of the cast murmured in agreement, and the host seemed to realize that he had crossed a line. "I'm sorry," he said, his tone contrite. "I didn't mean to offend anyone."
But Scarlett and Y/N were both fed

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