Sweet Memories • Elizabeth Olsen

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Paring: Elizabeth Olsen x reader

Warnings: none

Summary: You and your girlfriend and best friend Elizabeth spend a cozy evening at home, baking your favorite desserts and reminiscing about your favorite childhood memories.

You arrived at Elizabeth Olsen's apartment on a cool Friday evening. As soon as you entered, Elizabeth greeted you with a warm hug and a soft kiss on the cheek. You had been dating for a few months now, and she was also your best friend.

The two of you had planned to spend a cozy evening baking your favorite desserts and reminiscing about your favorite childhood memories. As you made your way to the kitchen, you could smell the comforting aroma of baked goods filling the air.

Elizabeth had already prepared all the ingredients for the desserts, and she had picked out some of your favorites. She had even set up a small baking station, complete with all the tools and equipment you would need.

As you started mixing the ingredients, Elizabeth leaned against the counter next to you, watching you intently. You couldn't help but smile at her, feeling grateful for her presence in your life.

Together, you and Elizabeth worked on the desserts, taking turns stirring the batter and adding ingredients. As you worked, you talked and caught up on each other's lives, sharing stories and laughing over silly jokes.

"Do you remember that time we tried to make macarons and they turned out like hockey pucks?" Elizabeth said, grinning at the memory.

"Oh, god," you replied, laughing. "That was a disaster. But we learned our lesson, right?"

"Definitely," Elizabeth said, nodding. "We'll stick to cookies from now on."

As the desserts baked in the oven, you and Elizabeth sat at the kitchen table, sipping on glasses of red wine and munching on some of the cookie dough. You talked about your childhood memories, reminiscing about the games you used to play and the adventures you used to have.

"You know what I miss the most?" Elizabeth said, looking at you with a twinkle in her eye. "Our annual summer camping trips."

"Oh my god, yes," you replied, grinning. "Those were the best. Remember that time we almost got lost in the woods?"

"And then we found that amazing swimming hole," Elizabeth said, laughing. "That was the highlight of the trip."

As the desserts finally came out of the oven, you and Elizabeth eagerly sampled them, the sweet, warm flavors filling your mouths. You both agreed that they were the best desserts you had ever made.

As you finished up the baking and cleaned up the kitchen, you and Elizabeth talked about what else you wanted to do that evening. You decided to watch some of your favorite childhood movies, snuggled up on the couch with blankets and pillows.

As you settled in, Elizabeth wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close. You both sighed contentedly as the movie started, feeling the warmth and comfort of each other's company.

As the night wore on, you and Elizabeth talked and laughed, sharing stories and memories until you both started to feel sleepy. Eventually, you both fell asleep on the couch, wrapped up in blankets and feeling safe and secure in each other's presence.

The next morning, you woke up to the sound of Elizabeth's soft breathing next to you. You smiled, feeling grateful for the warm and cozy evening you had shared with your girlfriend and best friend.

As you got up and started to get ready to leave, you realized that you had never felt closer to Elizabeth than you did in that moment. You knew that no matter what happened in the future, you would always have those memories and that bond to hold onto.

With a final kiss and a promise to do it again soon, you left Elizabeth's apartment, feeling comforted and refreshed by the experience.

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