Comforting • Elizabeth Olsen

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Paring: Elizabeth Olsen x reader
Warnings: none or maybe panic attack
Summary: you're having a panic attack and Lizzie is there for you

You stand on the set, feeling the pressure of the lights, the cameras, and the audience's expectations. You're an actress, and today is the most important day of your career. You're starring in the lead role of a big-budget movie, and everything has to be perfect.
But as the director yells "Action!", you feel the familiar pang of anxiety in your chest. You try to shake it off, to focus on the scene, but it only gets worse. Your heart races, your hands tremble, and you struggle to remember your lines.
"Cut!" the director yells, and you stumble off the set, gasping for breath. You need to get out of here, to escape the chaos and the pressure.
Suddenly, you feel a hand on your shoulder. It's Elizabeth, your girlfriend, looking at you with concern. "What's wrong?" she asks.
You can't even answer her. Your chest is tight, and you feel like you're drowning.
Elizabeth takes your hand and leads you outside, away from the set and the noise. She sits down next to you, holding you close. "Just breathe with me," she says, taking slow, deep breaths.
You try to follow along, to match her breathing, but it's hard. Your mind is racing, and you can't seem to calm down.
Elizabeth holds you tight, whispering comforting words in your ear. "I'm here for you," she says. "I won't let anything happen to you."
Slowly, you start to feel more in control. Your breathing evens out, and your heart rate slows. You listen to Elizabeth's heartbeat, the steady thump-thump-thump calming you even more.
After a few minutes, Elizabeth stands up, pulling you with her. "Come on," she says, leading you to the car. "Let's go home."
You nod, grateful for her support. The car ride is quiet, peaceful, and you feel yourself starting to relax. When you arrive home, Elizabeth takes you to the couch, bringing you a plate of food and a glass of water.
You both sit down, watching the sunset through the window. You talk about everything and nothing, enjoying the quiet moment together. You snuggle into Elizabeth's side, feeling safe and loved. She plays with your hair, and you start to doze off.
Elizabeth notices and stands up, carrying you to bed. She lays down next to you, holding you close.
You both fall asleep in each other's arms, the worries of the day fading away. You feel grateful to have Elizabeth to lean on when things get tough. You know that, no matter what happens, she'll always be there for you

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