The Celebrity Encounter • Scarlett Johansson

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Paring: Scarlett Johansson x reader (they/them)
Warnings: none
Summary: y/n runs into Scarlett at a coffee shop and they strike up a conversation. As they spend time together, will their chance encounter turn into something more?

Y/n had been looking forward to their coffee all morning. It was going to be their one moment of peace before a long day on set. They walked into the coffee shop and ordered their usual, a hot chocolate with whipped cream, and took a seat near the window.
As they waited for their drink, y/n noticed a commotion near the door. They turned to see Scarlett, one of the biggest actresses in the world, trying to navigate her way through the crowded shop. Y/n watched in awe as Scarlett made her way over to the counter to place her order.
Suddenly, Scarlett turned around with her coffee in hand and accidentally bumped into y/n, spilling hot coffee all over their shirt. Y/n winced in pain as the hot liquid seeped through their clothes, but Scarlett was quick to apologize.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Scarlett exclaimed, grabbing a handful of napkins to help y/n clean up.
"It's okay," y/n said, trying not to show how starstruck they were. "Accidents happen."
Scarlett smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Thanks for being understanding."
Y/n couldn't believe they were talking to Scarlett, let alone that Scarlett was being so friendly. They managed to make small talk as they waited for their drinks, and before y/n knew it, they were walking out of the coffee shop together.
As they parted ways, Scarlett turned back to y/n. "Hey, I know this might be weird, but would you want to grab dinner sometime? I feel like we really hit it off."
Y/n's heart skipped a beat. Was Scarlett asking them out on a date? They tried to play it cool, but couldn't resist the opportunity. "Sure, I'd love to," they said with a smile.
The rest of the day on set was a blur for Scarlett. She couldn't focus on anything except for the beautiful person she had just met at the coffee shop. Lizzie and Chris noticed that Scarlett was acting different, but she didn't want to tell them about her encounter with y/n just yet.
In the afternoon, Scarlett was walking to her trailer when she saw y/n again. They were one of the new actors on set, and Scarlett couldn't help but feel a little bit of fate at their second meeting.
"Hey," Scarlett said, smiling at y/n.
"Hi," y/n said, smiling back. "How's your day been?"
"It's been good," Scarlett replied. "But I can't stop thinking about you, if I'm being honest."
Y/n's cheeks turned red. "Really?"
"Yeah," Scarlett said, taking a step closer to y/n. "I don't know what it is, but there's something about you that I just can't shake."
Y/n felt a flutter in their stomach. "I feel the same way," they admitted.
Scarlett's face lit up. "So, about that dinner date?"
Y/n laughed. "I'd love to. How about tomorrow night?"
The date was a success, to say the least. Scarlett and y/n talked and laughed for hours, and neither of them wanted it to end. As they walked back to Scarlett's car, Scarlett took y/n's hand in hers.
"I know this might be too soon, but I just have to ask," Scarlett said, looking at y/n with a serious expression. "Will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend?"
Y/n felt like they were in a dream. Was this really happening? "Yes," they said, grinning from ear to ear.
Scarlett leaned in for a kiss, and y/n melted into it. They knew that their lives would never be the same after this chance encounter, but they were excited.

Over the next few days, Scarlett and y/n continued to bond on set, sharing stories and laughs during breaks in filming. Scarlett found herself looking forward to seeing y/n every day and couldn't help but feel like there was something more between them.
One day, as they were sitting in their trailers during a break, Scarlett couldn't keep her feelings bottled up any longer. "Hey, y/n," she said, her voice shaking a bit. "I know we just met, but I feel like there's something special here. Would you like to go out with me?"
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, but a smile spread across their face. "Yes, I would love to," they replied, feeling a warmth spread through their body at the thought of spending more time with Scarlett.
Their first date was magical, as they talked and laughed over a candlelit dinner. Scarlett couldn't believe how lucky she was to have found someone so amazing, someone who understood her on a level that no one else ever had.
After a few more dates, Scarlett knew that she didn't want to be without y/n. She took a deep breath and asked, "Y/n, I know it's only been a short time, but I can't imagine my life without you. Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?"
Y/n's heart swelled with joy at the question, and they replied with a resounding "yes!" They wrapped their arms around Scarlett, feeling grateful for this unexpected encounter at the coffee shop that had led them to each other.
As the weeks and months passed, Scarlett and y/n continued to grow closer, supporting each other through the ups and downs of life in the spotlight. They knew that their relationship was something special, something that would last a lifetime. And they were both grateful for that fateful encounter at the coffee shop that had brought them together.

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