Attack • Lena Luthor

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Paring: Lena Luthor x Reader (they/them)
Warning: maybe attack
Summary: y/n gets attacked by Lex Luthor and your girlfriend Lena comes to save you

Lena Luthor had always been known for her intelligence and her sharp mind. But when it came to her love for y/n, she was willing to do anything to protect them.
One day, Lena received a call from y/n, who was in distress. Lex Luthor, her own brother, had attacked y/n in an attempt to get to Lena.
Without a moment's hesitation, Lena jumped into action. She rushed to y/n's location, where she found them battered and bruised, but still alive.
"Lena, I'm so glad you're here," y/n said, tears streaming down their face. "Lex, he-"
"I know, I know," Lena interrupted, her voice firm and steady. "We need to get you out of here. Come on, let's go."
As they made their way out of the building, Lena's mind raced with thoughts of how to keep y/n safe. She knew that Lex would stop at nothing to get to her, and she needed to be one step ahead of him.
Once they were outside, Lena hailed a taxi and helped y/n inside. She gave the driver a quick address, and they were off.
As they drove away, Lena held y/n close and whispered words of comfort. She knew that y/n was scared and shaken, but she promised to protect them no matter what.
When they arrived at Lena's home, she immediately set to work on a plan to keep y/n safe. She contacted her security team and instructed them to ramp up their surveillance.
Meanwhile, y/n rested in Lena's arms, feeling safe and protected. They couldn't believe how lucky they were to have Lena in their life.
As the days passed, Lena's security team worked tirelessly to keep y/n safe. They installed new security measures and monitored every possible threat.
In the end, Lena's efforts paid off. Lex Luthor was caught and brought to justice, and y/n was able to return to their normal life with Lena by their side.
Through it all, Lena never wavered in her love and commitment to y/n. She had risked everything to save the love of her life, and she would do it again in a heartbeat

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