Chaper 1: Wtf why am I here?

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I groggily woke up to the sound of soft chattering, which was strange since I don't remember inviting people into my apartment unless my memory just really sucks. I open my eyes to see that it was some people I recognized from the show, one in particular that people simped for, which was. My eyes widen in surprise as I sat up, looking around me to see in the same room as me.

"Seems like sleeping beauty over here has woken up," Chishiya announced in a sarcastic tone

I began to be more fully awake and took in my surroundings more. Oh my fucking god, I'm in Alice in Borderland, I am 100% sure that I would not survive either a diamonds game or a hearts game.

"Where am I?" I questioned calmly despite my spiral of internal panic rising to the surface.

"You are currently in 'The Beach' that is located in the Borderlands."

'Well, shit' I cursed internally

Should I try to act clueless as a new player or should I just act like a player with experience? I pretty much fall into both categories because I watched the show. Either way, I could just befriend the main character or a smart side character (*cough* chishiya *cough*), it would probably boost my chance of survival.

"Borderlands? The Beach?" I decided to act clueless

"It's the name of the place that we are pretty much stuck in. Are you by any chance, new here?" Ann chimed in

"I think? it depends on what you mean." I answered back

"Random people chosen by chance would be dropped in this world and would be forced to play games that would decide if they will live or die," Mira explained

"Huh, so this is a twisted version of our world?" I asked

"Something like that, we are still developing the information about this world." Ann replied


"Anyways, our boss, Hatter, would like to see you," Ann explained


All four of us went out of the room and entered a room that looked like it was for meetings. All of the executives were in there the Idealists and The Militants. They stood in their respective spots all of their eyes glued to me, It was just like in the Show when Arisu and Usagi arrived at the beach, the pictures of the playing cards were on the wall in front of me. There were ones that were crossed out meaning they already had those cards, though, there were fewer cards crossed out, does this mean that I arrived here before Arisu and Usagi arrived here? I have a hunch that it might be the case but not entirely sure. I locked eyes with Chishiya, he was analyzing my every move, just like he does with everybody else.

"Welcome to the Beach! A utopia for the lost and the ones who lost hope!" Hatter Exclaimed.

"What's your name?" Hatter

"Y/N" I replied in a polite tone

"Well, Y/N, before you get to live here, I will explain how things work here. The rule here is you must always wear a bathing suit you can't exactly hide a weapon underneath a bathing suit, the second rule is you can live however you want you can do all the drugs and sex all you want. The last rule is Death to all traitors..." His face darken as he said the last rule before going back to his charming facade.

"Also, people that live here should give me all the cards within their possession, whoever doesn't, well you already what happens."

"Sounds good?" he grinned

"Yeah" I replied, awkwardly smiling

"You came at the right time since it's almost time for the games, one of the executives shall accompany you depending on your number, which we will hand out a second, come with me, you'll see." He gestured for me to follow and I complied. We went onto the balcony where he announces or preached shit.

"My dear comrades, tonight we shall gather all the cards and go back to the original world, please go to the car that corresponds to the number given to you." Hatter boomed

Everyone cheered for Hatter and went towards the front to where the cars were parked.

"Ah yes, Y/N, here's your number ask around the executives who have the same number as you." He jested before leaving me alone with some of the executives.

"Y/N check what number you have, you might have the same number as someone." Ann urged

I checked to see what number I got.

"I got 7" (GOT7 lmao)

"Well, I guess you are with me then, follow me to the car we are going in." Aguni steps out and walked toward the entrance as I trailed behind him.

The game was in a stadium, Me and Aguni, and a few other players I don't recognize were on the football field. Some looked lost and some were pretty neutral about the situation. Aguni, paying no mind to the others, wordlessly picked up the phone, I followed the suit and stared at the phone as it turned on.

*Face recognition is in progress, please wait for a moment.*





*Face recognition complete*


*Please wait for the game to commence*


Huh so the game commences in 2 minutes, might aswell kill some time.


Comfort food (Alice In Borderland x gender neutral reader) TEMPORARILY ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now