Chapter 10: Timeskip! No longer bitchless?

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I bid Niragi and Chishiya goodbye, I waved at Chishiya, and surprisingly, he waved back slightly before putting lowering his arm, Progress! I smiled softly at him as we all went our separate ways. On the way to Aguni's room, I felt conflicted by the fact that I was hanging out with Niragi, well, not exactly hanging out but whatever. Despite being uncomfortable with him in the beginning, I still was alright about him being in the same room as me. There was one part of me that says 'get away from him!' and the other part says 'maybe he isn't all bad'. Thinking about this more only made my brain hurt, so I stopped.

I hummed a small tune to distract me from my thoughts as I climbed the stairs to where Aguni's room. I walk towards the room that was a few rooms from mine, here it is, number sixty-five, and I knocked on the door.

*Knock Knock*

"Who's there?"


"Peas who?"

"Peas let me in." I heard a small click of the knob turning and it revealed Aguni.

"Ah, newbie. What brings you here?" Aguni asked

"I brought you something that I just cooked!" I offered the plastic container of the dish I made. He nods in gratitude and took the container out of my grasp.

"Thank you, Y/N." he thanked

"You're Welcome!" I beamed

"How do you know which room I was in?"

"Niragi told me."

"Niragi? I'm quite surprised that Niragi of all people told you."

"That's because I did him a favour, he just returned the favour."

"I see..."

"So... see you later?"

"Yes, goodbye." Aguni bid before closing the door.

I made my way back to my room, which was nearby. I opened the door and locked it behind me, I sighed in exhaustion as I changed into my pyjamas. I flopped onto the bed and went out like a light.

~Le Timeskip~

[31 weeks before Arisu arrives at the Borderlands]


I went to find Kuina and Chishiya, I wanted to ask them if they wanted to hang out with me. I went to search for Kuina first since she could just drag Chishiya with us (poor Chishiya). I knocked at her door, footsteps were approaching the door, and a click of the knob turned.

"Hey, Kuina!" I greeted

"Hey Y/N! What brings you here?" She smiled happily.

"I just wanted to ask you and Chishiya to hang out with me?" I questioned

"Sure!" she accepted

"Nice, now let's go to Chishiya!"

We both went towards where Chishiya was, on the roof. We saw him looking down at the Beach from the rooftop view as usual. I decided to call out to him.

"Oh Chishiya~" I sang

He sighed and turned around with an annoyed look on his face.

"What is it now?" he grumbled

"We are here to drag you with us against your will!" Kuina chimed in.

"Again?" Chishiya deadpanned

"Yep!" I said with popping sound effect on the 'p'

"Alright, I can't stop you guys anyways..." he mumbled

Chishiya tagged along, unfazed by our chaotic behaviour as we descended the stairs. I and Kuina chattered about our day and how our games were. Chishiya would chime in once in a while to make snarky remarks.

"Chishiya, has anyone told you that you are the most beautiful man they have ever seen?" I asked him.

"There were many, some tried to bribe me to date them. Why? Are you gonna say that I am?"

"It's true though~" I flirted, he just gave me a look.

"Wow, I'm surprised that people would want to date you." Kuina chuckled

"They usually back down when I brush them off coldly."

"That's good"

"Honestly, I just assume they want me for my looks," he stated

"Yeah, considering your personality, it probably drives them away when you speak" Kuina agreed

"Totally." I agreed

"Where are we going anyways?" he asked

"The bar to get some drinks and we will chill in my room."

"Oh? Your room? 😏" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively

"Not like that...unless?" I did the f*ck boy face.

"You two are honestly disgusting." his nose crinkled slightly in disgust

"Don't be jealous Chishiya! I could share some of my love for you too~" I teased him.


"You keep breaking my heart..." I feign a hurt expression and put a hand on my heart as he rolled his eyes.

"If you don't want Y/N, I'll have them." Kuina hugged my waist.

"Thanks, bae, at least you have taste, unlike this one."

"Let's just hurry to the bar, the sooner we arrive the sooner we leave." he grumbled

"Alright~" we all arrived at the bar and ordered our respective drinks and walked to our bedrooms.

I had a (cocktail/mocktail), Kuina had a beer, and Chishiya had champagne. We all stepped into my room, Kuina slumped onto my bed and Chishiya sat on a chair nearby. I sat on the bed next to Kuina, we all conversed with each other (mostly Kuina and me) drank our drinks and felt a little tipsy after.

I laid down on the bed in exhaustion as Kuina wrapped her arms around my waist, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. I glanced at Chishiya who look a little tired, I gestured for him to come over, but he looked at me with a wary look.

"C'mon Chishiya, I don't want your neck to be sore the next morning." I tried convincing him

"I doubt that's a problem." he said

"I don't think the floor is comfortable nor is sleeping in that position." I gestured to his awkward position on the chair.

"Fine... but do something or say something weird, I will go back to the chair."

"As long as you sleep well." I smiled softly, encouraging him to sleep on the bed with us.

He slowly walked over and sat on the bed stiffly. He then lay on the bed, with his back facing me. I leaned over slowly and whispered to him.

"Are you comfortable with my arm wrapped around your waist? I wouldn't want you to fall." I asked quietly

He just nodded, I slowly wrapped my arm around his waist pulling him closer so his back was touching my shoulder slightly. I looked at the ceiling, my heart was beating at a quick pace, I slowly took deep breaths until my heart calms.

'No longer bitchless.' I thought, I shed a single imaginary tear.

I yawned quietly as began to drift out of consciousness and let the darkness succumb to me, unaware that Chishiya shifted in my grasp and laid his head on my shoulder.

Comfort food (Alice In Borderland x gender neutral reader) TEMPORARILY ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now