Chapter 7: This Phone Has Some High Tech Shi-

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I went off to find Ann, so she could see that I was still alive. I wandered around the library, searching for her. In every room that she could have been in, I search for her. There were no signs of her. I was about to give up on finding her until I spotted her in the fictional area where I had just been.

"Ann!" I called out to her

She turned around, noticed me and immediately walked towards me.

"Y/N, it seems like you made it in one piece." She sighed in relief.

"Yeah, surprising isn't it? If I ever go into another diamonds game, I'll probably die." Y/N said, obviously not aware of the plot amour given to them.

"Well, let's go back to the car. The others are probably waiting for us."

"Sure, as soon as we get back to the Beach, I'm going to bake or cook something tomorrow."

"Oh? and what are you going to make this time?" She questioned.

"It's a secret! ~" I beamed as we went back into the car.

"I can't wait, then." She smiled softly at me. My heart skipped a beat.

'Who gave these characters the right to be so attractive? I almost fainted there.' I simped.

We went back to the car. I sat in the middle, sandwiched between Ann (that was on the left) and Chishiya (that was on the right), the simp within me can't take this anymore.

"Oh, I never asked what riddles they questioned you with!" I exclaimed

"They were a little difficult, but overall, it was pretty easy," Chishiya spoke for the first time throughout the entire drive.

"Chishiya? Are we actually having a conversation without insulting each other?" I gasp dramatically as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, we are." He replied, giving me a look of flat-out annoyance.

"What's next? You'll let me hug you?" I teased.

"In your dreams."

"Ok, maybe a little too soon to hug you yet. I can wait." I sat back and folded my arms.

He huffed softly before turning his attention towards the window, not before muttering a 'we'll see'. I turned back to Ann, who looked like she was in deep thought. I decided not to disturb you and got comfortable as I felt myself slip in and out of consciousness before sleep deprivation took over.

Chishiya POV

I felt a sudden weight on my right shoulder. I looked over to see Y/N's head leaning on my shoulder. They were less annoying when they were unconscious, but my shoulder was going to be sore if they continue leaning on it. I gently lifted their head off my shoulder, careful not to wake them up. I then positioned their head in a comfortable position so they won't have to lean on my shoulder. They stirred a little in their sleep a little before settling down. I sighed in relief that they didn't wake up. I relaxed against the seat, realizing that Ann was watching the whole interaction.

"Are you two close?" Ann asked politely.

"I don't see how it's any of your business," I replied coldly.

"Ah, I apologize for prying, then."

It was silent throughout the entire ride.

Ann's POV

I was not particularly surprised by his behaviour towards me, although we have not interacted with each other much. I noticed during meetings that he would often be quiet doing the meetings despite his sharp tongue. When I saw him with Y/N during the games, at first glance, he just seems like he was just plain insulting and bantering with them, but I soon noticed how his eyes held a small warmth for them. It was unusual for him to develop a bond with them, but I don't blame him. They have a certain charm that draws people towards them.

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