Chapter 14: Bonding Moments

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My eyes scanned the crowd for any familiar faces, I perked up seeing a familiar woman with sunglasses. I went over to her and hugged her from behind. She tensed up looking behind her before relaxing seeing it was just me and turned around to hug me back.

"How was your game?" she asked, smiling softly.

"It was a little difficult since it was a hearts game but I am still alive!" I answered

"I'm glad to see you're still alive" she replied, letting go of me.

"How was your game?" I asked her

"It was alright," she told me

"That's good! I'll be looking for Kuina and Chishiya to make sure they see I'm alive and well" I grinned

"Alright, I'll see you later, Y/N" she walked off somewhere else.

I was on the hunt for Chishiya and Kuina. There were many people but I managed to spot them together, they were talking with one another. I made my way towards them, speed-walking through the crowd. I tackled Kuina into a hug.

"Kuina! My dear! I missed you sorely!" I hugged her tight as she hugged me back, chuckling softly

"I missed you too, love~" she flirted, we both started to flirt with each other while Chishiya looked at us blankly.

"You're such a cutie patootie~"

"No, you are~"

"Stop flirting please." Chishiya stared at us with a disgusted look

"Aw, is little Chishiya jealous?~" I taunted playfully

"I wish the game killed you." he sneered

"Cute as always, Chishiya" I grinned at him while squishing his cheeks

His face was hilarious, he look like that one grumpy cat on the internet, it was even better when I was squishing his face.

"Get your hands off my face" he grumbled

"You're so adorable~" I teased

"I will burn you" he threatened

"Alright, I'll stop~ Anyways, how were both of your games?" I asked

"It was alright/It was ok" they responded individually

"What should we do now?" I pondered

"We should do something fun in one of our rooms" she suggested

"Sounds dirty" I grinned cheekily

"Not that kind of fun!" she nudged me, I cackled softly

"Let's go to your room then, Kuina!" I suggested

"Chishiya, you will come with us"

"It's not like I have a choice"

"Alright off we go to my room then!" we all began to go through the halls until we reach Kuina's room.

We all went inside and sat on Kuina's bed.

"Guys, I have the greatest idea." I started

"What is it?" Kuina asked

"We should do each other's makeup!" as soon as I said that, Kuina immediately perked up.

"Lucky for you guys, I'm an expert." she brought a makeup bag

"Where did you even get that?" Chishiya asked

"Never mind that let's start!" Kuina exclaimed excitedly

"No, I'm not doing that." Chishiya rejected

"We'll only do your eyeliner!" I gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could do.

Comfort food (Alice In Borderland x gender neutral reader) TEMPORARILY ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now