Chapter 13: Your Name (Not the Anime)

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I should stay back and try to uncover the traitor as soon as possible before we run out of people. I know I'm risking a lot here but I'm not attempting to go into the minefields knowing that the traitor can still detonate mines, it would risk me being severely injured that I can't play the games or die, talk about a die or die situation. I began to observe people around me to find any potential traitors within our group.

The first person was the businesswoman from earlier, she wore formal attire, had rather pale skin but not pale enough to look dead, she had black or dark brown eyes, she wore dark red lipstick and looked like she was somewhere in her early thirties. She is quite pretty. When she first spoke up, her voice held an authoritative tone making me assume that she had a position in her job that required leadership. She was currently talking with the man with glasses.

The man with glasses was somewhere in his fifties, and due to his calm demeanour despite seeing people's death he might be a surgeon or a doctor. He wore formal attire consisting of a white coat indicating he was one of the others, I wonder if he worked at the same hospital as Chishiya. They looked like they were having a deep conversation, so I decided to eavesdrop a bit.

" should....rid off....them" rest of the words were inaudible due to the crowd between us was quite loud, panicking about how they were gonna die. I wonder who are they gonna try to get rid of.

I looked to see the high school girl, who was nervously standing near the man with glasses. She looked down at her feet avoiding eye contact with anyone. I slowly observed her from afar, she seemed like a first-year or second-year in high school, and she seemed around 16-17 years old. I decided to go talk to her. I went through the crowd to get to her, and once I was near her she noticed my presence.

"Hey there, you looked nervous, here, have a cookie." I gave her one of the sugar cookies that I made before coming here, originally, I was gonna use these to bribe Chishiya but whatever.

(Chishiya: *sneezes*)

"Thank you..." she muttered, biting into the cookie before seeing her eyes light up slightly, how cute.

"You like it? baked them myself!" I smiled warmly as she lowered her guard a little.

"Why did you give me these cookies, if you don't mind me asking?" she asked warily

"I felt sorry for you, is this your first game?" I asked. She nodded.

"Please, I don't know what's happening. Why did they die? How can someone be so cruel?"

"You'd be surprised how sadistic people can be, if we can call them people that is" I stated, gazing at her with an unreadable expression.

"You don't think they're human?" she curiously piqued

"Well, their technology is more advanced than the technology we currently have plus we don't even know how they transported us to these ruins," I explained

"I guess that makes sense..."

"Well, since you look less tense than before, I better be going." I went to go somewhere until the girl gripped my sleeve to stop me.

"wait, I don't know your name yet!" she said

"If both of us are alive at the end of the game, maybe we can," I told her before going back to my spot, not looking back to see her expression.

I looked back to see the crowd of people that surrounded the two people that were supposedly their 'leaders'.

"I believe we should discuss how to catch this traitor." The businesswoman spoke out. The people began to murmur in agreement.

Comfort food (Alice In Borderland x gender neutral reader) TEMPORARILY ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now