Chapter 5: Opening a Top Secret Envelope! (Gone wrong?!)

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A/N: I hope you have a wonderful day/night, dear readers!


I went to chill in my room after spending time with the others last night, as I was laying down on my bed, I began to wonder how much back in the timeline before the story takes place. I suddenly sat up quickly and fumbled into my pockets for the card that was given to me. I fished it out and examined it closely.

"Huh, I forgot that this was here, I should probably give it to Hatter before I get killed for keeping this thing."

I got up and tucked the playing card safely into the pocket of my hoodie and headed toward Ann's door to ask her where I could find Hatter.

*Knock Knock*

No one answered the door so the next best thing is to find Chishiya, as much of a sarcastic bitch he is, he is my only hope right now. The only place that the show has shown me that he would usually be on the rooftop of the Beach. I went up the stairs that could lead me to Chishiya, I hate stairs so much.

A few minutes of wandering later

I finally arrived in front of the door that leads to the rooftop and prayed that Chishiya was there. I took a deep breath before opening the door, sighing in relief that Chishiya was indeed there. He turned his head questionably with his guard up before realizing it was just me, he lowered his guard a little.

'Good to know that he doesn't see me as a threat." I thought as I studied his body language.

"How did you find me?" He interrogated

"Kuina told me," I replied, surprised that the lie rolled smoothly down my tongue.

"Oh, I see..." He looked at me with slight suspicion before paying attention to the view he had before him.

"I was looking for you to ask if you know where Hatter is."

"Why don't you ask Ann?"

"She wasn't in her room."

"Why don't you ask around."

"Too much work."

He sighed in annoyance as he walk towards the door that lead back inside the Beach. I followed him back inside, and we both walked on the carpet floor. I decided to have some small talk with him.

"What were you before coming to the borderlands?"

"I don't see why I should tell you."

"Well, we should get to know each other."

"Why should I share something personal with someone I barely know?"

"Ok fine, we'll do some of the basic questions then! What's your preferred season?"

"This is stupid."

"Shut up and answer the question."

"Fine, Autumn."

"Nice! What is your favourite colour?"

"White and don't tell me it's a shade, I already know that."

"I wasn't! What is your favourite food?"

"I don't see the point in having a favourite food."

"I see, last question before we arrive at where Hatter is, can we be friends?" I grinned softly

"Why should we? It's only going to slow us down."

"I thought it would be nice to have a friend in these god-forsaken ruins."

Comfort food (Alice In Borderland x gender neutral reader) TEMPORARILY ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now