Chapter 28: Just taking the L rn.

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3rd perspective

Y/N was currently conversing with Usagi, catching up and asking her how she was doing.

Kuina was curious about Usagi. She wanted to know how she met Y/N. Overall, she liked Usagi and thought she was a nice girl. Niragi, on the other hand, couldn't care less about Usagi but was more focused on how nervous Y/N looked. Although it was almost unnoticeable, he saw how their smile faltered when they introduced Usagi to both of them. He shrugged it off but felt that there was a much bigger reason why they were nervous.

Multiple dings were heard from the phones, and a feminine robotic voice was heard from the big screen in the park.

*Game Start*

​​​​​*Difficulty Level: 6 of Clubs*

"I see that it has started already" Y/N stated, and they all looked at the screen.

*Game name: Capture the Flag* (I know, very creative)

*Rules: Players will have to be divided into 2 groups of 15 if one team has an odd person out, the person will be killed. Within the two groups, white and black, the teams must strategize who will guard, the ones who'll defend the flags and who will be the seeker, the ones to capture the flag. Violence against the opposing team shall be allowed. If a team fails to capture the flag will result in death. Good luck*


"Ah yes, this PE all over again." Y/N reminisced a bit, they (hated/loved/were alright with) PE.

"Eh, I guess we're the ones that are choosing our team?" Usagi piqued.

"Yeah, I guess we'll just go to a side I guess, quickly because we might get killed" Kuina stated as the four of them hurried to the nearest team that seemed to have more spots left. The team they chose was the black team which they thankfully filled in four spots to make 15 people. The other team, however, was not so lucky as they had seventeen people.

*Odd number group detected, selecting two members to kill*

The people within the team paled at the announcement, they screamed in terror as two lasers quickly took out two people, a child who was no older than six and an old man. Y/N glanced in pity at the dead bodies, feeling nauseous in the pit of their stomach. Kuina placed a hand on their shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly as she shot them a comforting glance. Y/N smiled at this effort comforting them and felt a bit better.

Usagi watched this scene with curiosity as she turned to glance at Niragi, It was faint but she saw that Niargi held a soft spot towards Y/N.

"Are they... dating?" Usagi asked Niragi with curiosity, he turned to her with a bored look in his eyes.


"If I'm not being too nosy, you also liked them, is that correct?" Usagi asked cautiously in case the male might be annoyed by her question.

"Yeah? What's it to you?" Niragi raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well, they're taken already you're planning to pursue them?" Usagi said this made Niragi amused.

"Nah, I'm already their lover" Niragi stated matter-of-factly. Usagi was surprised by this revelation.

"You both are their lover? I didn't know you could have more than one..." Usagi mumbled.

"Yep, and they certainly know how to attract em" Niragi looks at Y/N which to be a more fond look to it.

"Do they have more?" Usagi couldn't help but question.

"Hm... there's that snake and one on the way back at the place we're staying," Niragi said.

"Snake...?" Usagi looked at him with a puzzled look, Niragi just ignored her.

"Well, looks like the game has started," Niragi stated as he saw some of the players from the opposing team starting to charge towards their own.

"This will be fun" Niragi grinned maliciously as Usagi questioned the sanity of the male as she readied herself. Kuina and Y/N also readied themselves.


The black team came out victorious due to Kuina and Usagi's teamwork in capturing the flag. Nirgai and a few others defended the flag greatly. Y/n was relieved that their dodging skills were enough to survive but acquired some bruises and scratches since some people decided to tackle them.

"Ah, fuck!" Y/N grunted as they felt their side throb in pain. They winced slightly as they got up. Niragi went over to Y/N and supported them as they stood.

"Where does it hurt?" Niragi asked.

"My side, some fucker rammed into it like a bull and now it hurts like a bitch." Y/N hissed, making Niragi surprised at Y/N's use of colourful language.

"Wow, never heard you cursed this much before" He muses as they both walk to where Kuina and Usagi are. They rushed towards Y/N worriedly.

"My love! Are you okay?" Kuina exclaimed making Y/N chuckle a little.

"I'm alright but we better go back to treat our injuries," Y/N said as Kuina nodded in agreement.

"I could come with you guys if you want?" Usagi offered, and Kuina chuckled nervously.

"Nah, people at the place we're staying don't exactly treat outsiders well," Kuina explained. She wasn't wrong, the Beach was very strict when it came to the secrecy of its location.

"I understand, I hope we'll see each other again then." Usagi smiled.

"Me too, you're pretty neat!" Kuina reincorporated the smile.

"See you, Usagi!" Y/N waved, and she waved back and walked off.

"You certainly do know how to attract people, huh Y/N?" Kuina nudged at them teasingly.

"Yeah yeah, I know how to attract cute people, you included" Y/N winked at Kuina causing her to chuckle a little.

"What about me? Aren't I cute?" Niragi joked Y/N stopped and pretended to think before grinning.

"You fall more into the annoying category" Y/N joked making Niragi feign a hurt look.

"You wound me."


"Let's go back to the car, I don't think it will wait for us any longer," Kuina said as they all got into the car after getting their visa. They arrived back at the Beach. Niragi and Kuina both helped Y/N out of the car, which wasn't necessary but they decided they needed to do it.

"Guys, I don't think I need two people supporting me to just stand"

"Then tell Kuina to let go of you"

"What about YOU let go, Niragi?" Kuina glared at the male.

"How about no?"

"I'm flattered that you guys are fighting over my well-being but I still think we need to go somewhere that has a first-aid kit" Y/N stated.

"I believe they're right, you all look like shit" A familiar sneering voice chimed into the conversation.

"Chishiya? Long time no see." Kuina nodded in acknowledgement.

"Was your game really that violent?"

"Well, it allowed violence so... yeah," Y/N said.

"Wow, sucks for you guys" Chishiya snickered

"Damn, you're doing this to your bae? How could you, Taro💔" Y/N said, shedding a tear.

"Don't call me that"

"Damn Y/N, you gave him a nickname but not me?" Kuina said, by this.

"I'm sorry pookie bear, I won't do it again," Y/N said doing this '👉👈' with their hands.

"It's okay, I'll forgive you" Kuina grinned and squeezed Y/N gently. The two males watched the scene in front of them with a deadpan.

"What the actual fuck"

"I agree with you for once"

A/N: Sorry guys, lacked motivation and fell sick, all better though here's an update. We are near the actual storyline, finally.

I felt high making this.


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